ObamaCare: The Real Lipstick On A Pig

Do you want to talk about lipstick on a pig? Then lets talk ObamaCare.

This heinous law, which hundreds of waivers have been granted for, and more than 12 states are suing, has already been struck down as unconstitutional at least once, which many more to come. But what does Obama do? He refuses to repeal the law. He is up for some “tweaks” to the law, but not up for a full repeal, which is exactly what this law needs. It is, like most things coming out of Washington, an overpriced boondoggle which will finally destroy the excellent health care system we have in this country.

And he wants to put lipstick on this pig in the form of a “tweak”. I say, we can’t let this happen. We have to work hard to take this law down, then keep going, use that momentum to take the others down as well.