Man Up

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Look, no one likes to go without. No one likes to make do with less. No one likes lowered expectations. However, it comes with the job of being a responsible, intelligent adult, not a spoiled brat looking for handouts.

Playtime is over. We need to do WHATEVER IT TAKES in order to balance the budget, as long as it doesn’t slam the brakes on any kind of recovery by increasing taxes. We need to MAN UP, take our medicine, in the form of going without, making do with less, and lowered expectations. If we don’t do this, we just don’t survive.

It is what people do. Those of us who suffered job loss at some point in our lives know what we have to do. We struggle along, take responsibility as best we can, until we can do better. And this is exactly what the government needs to do. To do what it takes to survive. We know Obama doesn’t have it in him. Let’s hope the new Tea Party infused Congress does.