Mubarak Forced Out

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The latest news from Egypt say that Mubarak was forced to step down by the military, who really have been in power all along. Mubarak was simply a figurehead. I doubt if anything will really change.

I think I have some insight as to why Mubarak didn’t step down. As I mentioned in my earlier post on how to get a dictator to step down, its usual for these kinds of tyrants to only step down IF they are sure that their personal safety is in danger. Mubarak obviously believes that, despite the fact that millions of Egyptians want him out of office and yearn for freedom and democracy, like most tyrants, its all about THEM. If they don’t feel personally endangered, nothing else matters. After all, its all about the leaders want and needs and life, isn’t it.

This is why we say things change in Tunisia and thing not change in Egypt. Mubarak felt that he was still surrounded by enough of his supporters that he can stay in that bubble until some specified future time. By then, the protests would have petered out, and he can go back to being his old self.