The Practical Libertarian

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The more I think about it, this is more of what I am. While most libertarians are more into education or think tank mode, I truly want to see liberty in my lifetime, or at least in my children's lifetime. I believe that educating people about liberty, freedom, the ideals of the founders, libertarianism is great, and the think tanks and institutes all do a great job of just that, as does Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty. Like the Cato Institute and even the guys from another libertarian radio show, Free Talk Live, I applaud their thinking.

However, I think most libertarians tend to envision some idyllic future state where they can live, like Galt’s Gulch, with others who share their same beliefs. Believe me, I’d love to live in a place like that as well, and a number of us have done just that, by creating things like the Free State Project in New Hampshire, or the Seasteading Institute.

For me: I want liberty and freedom right here, right now, in the place I live, and for everyone around me. I will work to bring it about where I am, and where you are. I won’t compromise, but I also won’t say no to moving towards liberty as quickly as possible, and not leaping to it directly, as these others have.

If you ask me: that’s the essence of the Tea Party movement: it’s ideals are libertarian, but pragmatic. And I’m proud to say not only that I’m one of them, but that our ranks grow every day.