Obama Weakens Us

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What a disaster for the Egyptian people. After reports that the American supported tyrant Mubarak was going to step down, millions took to the streets to hear him do just that. And he then does the exact opposite, and feeling safe in his power, throws the crowd a few bones and goes back to his life.

In all this, where is our President? In all this, where is he? Is he strongly supporting the Egyptian people against tyranny? Is he helping the cause of freedom and democracy in Egypt? Is he giving the world an example for the Egyptians, and countless other countries unhappy with their regimes hope?

No. In fact, the Whitehouse didn’t even know what was going to happen. Reports say that most of the intelligence gleaned and decision making Obama came from watching MSNBC – likely the Obama’s favorite network. Does anyone else find it appalling how little we knew about what was going to happen in Egypt? We look like idiots.