Mubarak To Step Aside: Good News or Not?

egyptvictoryGood news from Egypt? Mubarak, according to two sources, has decided to step down and his VP, Omar Suleiman, would be stepping into his place. The question is: does it matter? This is why I wonder, is this really good news for Egypt? Will Suleiman simply continue the same policies under a different name? What will life be like under someone from the same administration. Will this really lead to more democracy and freedom in Egypt?

In my opinion, its doubtful. Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss? Could this just be yet another tactic for Mubarak to maintain his grip, but use Suleiman as a figurehead in order to deflect the rage away from him personally? Who knows, but all signs points to yes.

Let’s hope that is this is not the case. But if it is, let hope that  the masses yearning for freedom wont be fooled and continue to pressure whoever is in charge for freedom and democracy.