OK: Let’s Assault The Unions

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Now that is has come to light that Obama’s Organizing For America is behind the protests for more government worker entitlements in Wisconsin, and he specifically uses the incendiary words “Assault on Unions” in the last interview he gave, I say we give it to him. He wants a fight – we should give him one. If he thinks we are trying to take down the unions, then lets have at it! Unions have been a huge thorn in the side of business for far too long – they regularly conspire with government to steal from us and provide very poor service. They continually spend their dues outside of the original mandate or protecting their members: they are outmoded, archaic institutions which need to die, just like those companies that Obama bailed out should have. So I say, you think this is an assault on unions, I say: It’s way past time we took them out. Let’s do it now, and the sooner the better.


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