The Original Instruction Manual Of American Government

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With all the talk of reform and change, we really need to think deeply about what American government is and what we need from it. We need innovation and new thinking. Actually, scratch that. We DON’T need innovation and new thinking. We just need to go back to the original instruction manual for government, and only let government do what is in there and nothing more.

Think of the government as something we built from this original manual. We then took this manual and put in in a drawer and forgot about it. We then started building all sorts of new things onto government, ignoring the fact that some of these things we bolted on just didn’t work. We lost site of the original manual and what it states.

This original manual, is, of course, the Constitution. Go back to that manual, read it thoroughly, and ONLY LET GOVERNMENT DO WHAT IT SAYS, no more. Only then can we be saved.