How Do We Stop Fueling Our Own Repression?

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It's happening in Egypt, it's happening here. One of the big problems with protesting against a huge, overarching government, is that its resources are limitless. It has the guns, it has the money (stolen from the people in taxation) and it has the minions (military, police, etc) to suppress us for the long haul.

Depressingly, the state uses our own money to buy the guns and troops and police to keep us in check. As it's been shown in Egypt, as the protests have worn on, and as the current government continues to spend the people's stolen treasure on suppressing them, then the protesters, who I'm sure aren't getting paid to protest, and probably need to get back to their homes and lives and jobs will eventually have to give up.

So, the question is, how do you starve the state of the resources it needs to keep us repressed?