Obama To Strengthen UN

[caption id="attachment_3125" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama To Strengthen The UN"][/caption]

Not a surprise. Obama will now spend more of our taxpayer dollars to strengthen an organization which derides us, uses us and abuses us at every turn. This organization, which has really never been pro-American, takes our money, resides on our soil, gives every petty tyrant and dictator power, influence and a voice that they would never have, save for our generosity, never would.

I think I know why this is. I think that Obama has never set his sights on the presidency of the United States to be his end goal. I think he’d rather try to run the entire world. So he’s probably just prepping for the day when he will get ousted out of office, sort of a pay it forward nest feathering for his next gig. Don’t you see Obama as the next “President of The World”?