Bachmann At CPAC

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Now I had heard of Michele Bachmann prior to CPAC, but I had never heard her speak. She said all of the right things, including:
America is the indispensable nation of the world

Free markets work. Let them!

Barring the terrible grammar of the first one – completely agree with both statements. There’s been talk of a presidential run.

I have to be practical. That’s my thing. Maybe I should even start calling myself “The Practical Libertarian” (hmm – not a bad idea). Watching and listening to her speak, and I’ll be honest, since that all I can be, I thought that she was a slightly less powerful imitation of Sarah Palin. If I were choosing a candidate to go up against Obama in the next election, I’m sorry to say that it wouldn’t be her. Then  again, as much as I like the guy, it wouldn’t be Ron Paul either.