Obama Is A Terrible Salesman–Part 2

[caption id="attachment_2370" align="alignright" width="88" caption="An Angry Multi-Racial Man"][/caption]

You see, Obama is like a salesperson. Imaging that you have two salespeople in your small business. You have one sales person who goes out there and is all “Our product is AWESOME” and “Our company is AWESOME” and then with great energy and a powerful pitch, tells your prospective customers how using your product will solve all of their issues and make their lives better.

On the other hand, you have this other salesperson who is like “Well, my company is OK” and “Our product is pretty good, it’s a leader in the field, but between you and me, we could do better” and then continues to drone on at length, reading his pitch with very little positive or negative emotion about the company and product.

Which one of those two salespeople would you rather have on your sales team? Unfortunately, we have the latter.