This is a sample chapter from my book, The BunkerBook: Nuggets Of Liberty From The Freedom Bunker:
The Internet will let people beat tyranny, not any the state. Basically, the state IS tyranny. They can’t work without it.
Do you want to know why the Bush administration, Obama and the current Democratic administration want to put curbs on Internet speech? Do you know why China already has curbs on Internet speech? It’s simple really.
The state does not want people talking to each other. And the internet is the ultimate peer-to-peer, or person-to-person communications mechanism. Its whole foundation is communications from any “node” to any other “node”
For the first time in human history, the Internet and the web provide a medium upon which every human being on the planet can talk to any other human being on the planet, be it via voice, text, and image whatever.
Think about it for a second: imagine a world where everyone on the planet has an iPhone, or iPhone like device, which gives them totally free, unfettered access to READ about anything and everything which is happening everywhere else. Can you imagine what someone would feel like, in one of these more impoverished countries, reading about what life could be like, in some other country, under a less oppressive regime? Now imagine that not only can that person READ anything from elsewhere, they can also WRITE their personal experiences to the Internet and the web, so that anyone, anywhere else can see what is going on in their lives.
We are seeing a small taste of these things today: look at all the tweets and YouTube videos which emanated from the violence surrounding the elections in Iran, and subsequent protests and riots. Without the Internet, and the ability for humans to WRITE to the web, as well and READ from it, we would have no idea what is going on over there. Think of when every human on the planet has a full read/write device.
This is deathly frightening to the state, as it subsists and survives (and this is important) on the restriction of the flow of information from one person to another. If there truly were a free flow of information from anyone to anyone, why would we need a state?
Why are states even necessary? As far as I’m concerned, the state simply exists to retard the forward progress of humanity, not accelerate it. And once we get full two-way connectivity to most of the humans on the planet, then states will no longer be necessary.
Let humanity talk to each other, without restriction, and the world will change.
Internet Vs. Tyranny
on 2/10/11
Barack Obama,
Free Markets,
Free Speech,
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