Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 2

[caption id="attachment_3374" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 2"]Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 2[/caption]

So will the next candidate on the GOP side be a sacrificial lamb who will be slaughtered against the wave of Barack Hussein Obama in the next election? Is that way the current slate of possible candidates is holding back?

No, I don’t think so. I have more faith in the American people than that. I think that this election has to be as much of an anti-Obama election as it is a pro-Tea-Party-infused-Republican election. We have to home in on all of the negative things Obama has done to our country at the same time as we highlight the strengths of the movement back to first principles. We have to focus not just on the man or woman who will represent us, but the entire movement behind him or her. That the strength comes from the ideals and principles, and not from narcissistic dictatorial fiat.

In a sense, we have to present that we ALL stand against Obama, not just the candidate. If America sees that, then we will win. And America can be restored.