Are We Now The Wimpy Kid?

wimpyAre we now the wimpy kid of the world? Obama’s deferential attitude towards the rest of the world is fairly galling. He basically does not come into any conversation with anyone else on the basis of strength, or as an equal.

He continually debases himself, in public by bowing deeply to other leaders and dictators (has anyone reminded him that that is simply not something the American president does? I mean, it IS written down somewhere isn’t it – and as a “constitutional scholar” he should know right. Although my thinking is that he wouldn’t know the Constitution if it bit him in the ass) and in private, strikes deals and agreements which diminish America, instead of uplifting it.

In one election, we went from a strong kid on the playground who earned respect from bullies and wimps alike. Now we are the kids everyone likes to take a shot at, and we don’t even fight back.

All signs point to yes.