[caption id="attachment_3181" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama Budget: Naive, Stupid Or Evil"][/caption]
When one looks at that latest budget coming out of the Obama administration, one has to ask: is he, and his administration, really so completely out to lunch when it comes to the real true and only way to jumpstart an ailing economy, or he he just evil, wants things to go from bad to worse, and has some strange nefarious plan which some of those on the fringes think he has, or is he really so naïve and clueless that “kicking the can further down the road” like its always been done, is the right prescription for today? How does this supposedly intelligent intellectual make such egregious errors when it comes to economic policy?
It’s simple really: it’s agenda over reality. Obama would much rather continue to push more “failed policies of other countries past” like high speed rail, than do what needs to be done in order to turn things around. Since those things don’t fit his agenda, they don’t even merit a first glance, let alone a second thought.
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