Chris Christie Wows, But Does He Go Far Enough?

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So I checked out Governor Chris Christie’s speech at the American Enterprise Institute the the other day. He makes a great case, speaking strongly about doing big things and dealing with the real, big issues, like social security, medicare and the military. I think he has a grasp of some of the enormity of the issues facing us today – literally life of death issues for America. He speaks convincingly, and seems to have some good solutions, well is at least open to serious action. Although while listening to him, I still had this sense that even his solutions would not be good enough. We truly need to go back to first principles, take the state back down to the level it was at during the founding of this country. The question is: can he go far enough? I wasn’t convinced in listening to him. At this point, I’m not sure anyone understands the enormity of the changes that need to take place in order for this country to survive.