911 - Hamilton Vs Jefferson - Budget Woes - Middle East Protests

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On Today's Show:

  • Are we seeing a battle between a Hamiltonian vision and a Jeffersonian vision of America?

  • This budget is not an adult budget, its playtime. Playtime of a rich, spoiled, brat. It's all tax and spend, there are no real solutions for solving the big problems of government, which all have very simple solutions.

  • Why do the Democrats make everything so complicated?

  • Why do people want to live in a country with a heavy government intervention in their lives? What is it about certain individuals who think government is GOOD and NECESSARY? What is wrong with these people? Were they brought up in an atmosphere of entitlement?

  • Maybe the natural state of children is to be controlled and managed, the natural state of man is to be free. At least "adult man". So lets be free.