WI Governor Should Pull A Reagan And Fire Them All

[caption id="attachment_3296" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Pull A Reagan - Fire Them All"][/caption]

Doubtless you’ve hard of the protests in Wisconsin. There’s about 10,000 public employees trying to pressure the Republican governor to keep their perks, salaries and pensions while the rest of us in the private sector have to go without. Just like the workers asking for more entitlements in Greece.

If you ask me, Scott Walker should pull a Ronald Reagan and fire all of them just like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers back in the 80s.

One of my old bosses used to say “If you don’t like your job, go! There’s busloads of people pulling up to take it.” Especially with the unemployment levels being what they are now, thanks to Obama, I’ll bet Wisconsin would be flooded with resumes if he ever had the guts to do it. As one of my favorite movie characters of all time states “Playtime is over, and business is business”.