Reagan’s 100: Words, Not Deeds

It was Reagan’s 100 birthday on Sunday: had he been around, he would have been 100 years old. While Reagan is a much beloved figure among most Americans, and I know I’m going to take some heat for saying this, the guy said a lot of great things, but when it came down to actual action, he did not follow through on any of the things he talked about.

I mean, over the last few days, many commentators have been playing back clips of Reagan’s speeches and they are all very inspiring, all about government growing too large, and taking over, controlling too much of our lives, and about us taking back our power, reducing the size and scope of government. The only problem is, during his own term, he was unable to do any of those things. Government grew, not shrank under his presidency.

We can take inspiration from his words, but not his actions.