Can We Take 4 More Years?

ospeaksSo the question is – can this country take 4 more years of Barack Hussein Obama? By all accounts it appears that during the next election cycle, the GOP will maintain their strength in the House (unless of course they make some bonehead move to compromise with this administration in the hope of “getting things done”) and probably make enough gains in the Senate in order to take that over as well. So we’ll have a Republican Congress, and a Democratic President.

One could argue that that worked well when Clinton was in office, but you can’t really compare Obama the ideologue with Clinton the pragmatist. Clinton actually moved towards the center, where Obama is incapable of it.

Assuming Obama does win next time around, that would still be a disaster, since doing nothing about reducing the size and scope of government (you know he will veto any bill which tries) would be almost as bad as increasing it at this point.

So the short answer is: NO!