Trump Wows CPAC - Part 2: Ron Paul

[caption id="attachment_3116" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Ron Paul: ZERO Chance"][/caption]

One thing that he said that was pretty interesting though – he came right out and said what many of us are thinking
Ron Paul can’t win. He has ZERO chance.

This of course is, sadly, true. While I completely agree with Ron Paul and all of his positions, I also agree with Trump that there is no way that he can win an election. I love his ideals, I love how he has become a leader and a focal point in thinking. I love how he drove so many more people out of their complacency in 2008. I love how he brought TRUE hope (not the false hope of Obama) back to people who were politically dead.

However, I’m all about practicality. I want to see freedom in my time and my children’s time, not some far flung wonderful utopian future state. And that's where I fear Ron Paul sits: he’s about education not action.