No Gas or Trains. How Do We Get To Work. Part 2

Read Part 1

Gas too expensive to drive. Trains unavailable to take. What, is Obama trying to drive us into unemployment and welfare? Or just trying to make our lives so hard that all we have the capacity to think about is surviving, and not have the time to take political action.

Take is from me, as a ex-Canadian, the government PURPOSELY tries to make your life as difficult as possible. Here’s my reasoning: if your life is difficult, if you are simply spending all of your time attempting to survive, you won’t have any time left over in order to challenge the government. If you are spending all your time in 3 jobs trying to pay for your gas and mortgage, when will you have time to join a Tea Party protest.

They want our lives to be as difficult as possible. Its another way to keep us repressed, just like the people of Egypt, Libya and the like. We are not unlike them, at all.