915 - Breathtaking Union Idiocy - Thuggery Everywhere - Obama Must Go In 2012

[caption id="attachment_3281" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Breathtaking Union Idiocy - Thuggery Everywhere - Obama Must Go In 2012"]Breathtaking Union Idiocy - Thuggery Everywhere - Obama Must Go In 2012[/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • I have never seen such idiocy - they don't believe that using your fists to beat someone up is violence. These are the people that Obama is allied with. He rewards the thugs and crushes the innovators. The law breakers and the violent are rewarded - he will do whatever it takes to win.

  • Violence undercuts everything that they do - violence is behind every action that the state undertakes.

  • Spending is the only thing that the Democracks can think of. All they can do is spend, all they can do is steal and spend. They won't even sign a budget which cuts spending, the Democracks RUN TO OTHER STATES in order to get out of voting for budget cuts. It's frankly pretty disgusting. These people should be fired, jailed, something, just in order to get some spending cuts done

  • When was the last time the government did ANYTHING positive?

  • Union thugs protest everywhere in solidarity

  • Listen Now: