Obama Supplicates

[caption id="attachment_3155" align="alignright" width="100" caption="Obama Supplicates"][/caption]

You know, I can almost understand what Obama is trying to do on the foreign policy front. Like most liberals, he feels that the United States foreign policy has been too “aggressive” and “pushy”. Like most progressives, he has drunk the Kool-Aid thinking that America is the bully of the planet. That all we ever do is push other countries around, and give them ultimatums etc. So can sort of see where he is coming from with this new, “kinder, gentler, WEAKER” attitude.

But if you ask me, there is a big difference between what he is doing and at least presenting himself as an equal. In far too many occasions, not only does he not act the aggressive bully, he goes way too far in the other direction, practically allowing these other “leaders” to push him around and tell him what to do. This whole debacle in Egypt is a good example.

I don’t know about you but I’d prefer a president who at least presents us as equals, not subservient.