Government Shutdown Is Not A Threat, We Welcome It
on 2/18/11
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It’s pretty funny: whenever a government official stands up and makes an announcement that unless “taxes are increased” then we will have to “shutdown the government”. Usually, these announcements are made in serious tones, with all sorts of horror stories being told. To hear them speak, it sounds like the end of the world, that the country will simply ground to a halt. To them it sounds like the apocalypse. Like the end of the world.
Well I say: Bring It On! Not only are we not afraid of a government shutdown, we WELCOME IT! In fact, I think Sarah Palin made the point that we’d save a ton of money just by shutting the government down for a bit – maybe even enough to not have to raise the debt ceiling.
During the Clinton administration, a similar budget impasse shut the government down for a spell. Guess what happened? We are still here, and we saved a bunch of money. I say, do it again, now, and for as long as we can take it. We WELCOME it!
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