915 - Breathtaking Union Idiocy - Thuggery Everywhere - Obama Must Go In 2012

[caption id="attachment_3281" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Breathtaking Union Idiocy - Thuggery Everywhere - Obama Must Go In 2012"]Breathtaking Union Idiocy - Thuggery Everywhere - Obama Must Go In 2012[/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • I have never seen such idiocy - they don't believe that using your fists to beat someone up is violence. These are the people that Obama is allied with. He rewards the thugs and crushes the innovators. The law breakers and the violent are rewarded - he will do whatever it takes to win.

  • Violence undercuts everything that they do - violence is behind every action that the state undertakes.

  • Spending is the only thing that the Democracks can think of. All they can do is spend, all they can do is steal and spend. They won't even sign a budget which cuts spending, the Democracks RUN TO OTHER STATES in order to get out of voting for budget cuts. It's frankly pretty disgusting. These people should be fired, jailed, something, just in order to get some spending cuts done

  • When was the last time the government did ANYTHING positive?

  • Union thugs protest everywhere in solidarity

  • Listen Now:

America: A Step Behind

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In Obama’s zeal to drive a stake into American exceptionalism and strength, he lets other countries take the lead on issues where we should lead. In his enthusiasm to make us a follower nation, as opposed to a leader nation, he purposely delays and mutes responses to terrible oppression, which no one can deny. The slaughter in Libya is but one example: even the European Union, which has never been known to move quickly, moved faster and in a more decisive way than Obama did. This saddens many Americans, who saw the bloodshed in Libya and desperately wanted our President to strongly and immediately condemn the violence. He does not speak for most Americans, and actively works to make us into a follower. I’m thinking that, like most Americans, we don’t want that.

Obama Weakens Us

[caption id="attachment_3182" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama Weakens Us"]Obama Weakens Us[/caption]

With Obama’s very tepid response to the slaughter in Libya, he not only shows himself to be a terrible leader when it comes to foreign policy and someone who does not strongly come out against violations of human rights, he also weakens us in the eyes of the world. When a tyrannical leader unleashes deadly force against his own people, and the American president doesn’t immediately take the stage to strongly condemn and sanction that country, he brands us as weak and passive to the rest of the world And there is nothing bullies like better than a weak and passive victim. Obama’s stance to the rest of the world is so weak, that he is basically welcoming attack. When he makes statements like “we can absorb a terrorist attack” and now has this stance of weakness, he emboldens terrorists around the world to take their shot. I’ll bet our counter terrorist teams groan in dismay when they hear him speak.

Muammar Gaddafi


[caption id="attachment_3384" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Muammar Gaddafi"]Muammar Gaddafi[/caption]

Here is a tyrant who no one can say, by any stretch of the imagination, that he has any good in him. Over the years, he’s killed hundreds of Americans, thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of his own people. Even now he, unlike Mubarak, is unleashing deadly force against the protesters who are attempting to end his reign. Like Saddam Hussein before him, this guy is pure evil and the sooner he is deposed, the better. He can’t even flee his own country, no one else in the world will take him. Despite the bloodshed, it should be a better day in Libya once he is gone. He’s been there, in that position, since at least Reagans time. I wonder why, with all of these presidents preceding Obama calling for an end to tyranny, that he hadn’t been deposed sooner?

Open Letter From The American People To The Oppressed Worldwide

[caption id="attachment_3305" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Open Letter From The American People To Oppressed People Worldwide"]Open Letter From The American People To Oppressed People Worldwide[/caption]

Dear Freedom Fighter:

Don’t listen to President Obama. WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, ARE WITH YOU. When you fight to rid your country of a tyrannical dictator, WE ARE WITH YOU. When you stand in the streets, WE ARE WITH YOU. When you call for freedom and democracy, WE ARE WITH YOU. When you want to throw off the chains of your oppressive government, WE ARE WITH YOU.

As soon as we heard about the oppression of your people, of the jailing, torture, rape and slaughter of innocents, who only wanted the same kind of freedom all mankind SHOULD be granted, and that is the freedom to live your life in peace, allowing you to follow your dreams, whether they be to raise a family, run a business, or pursue whatever makes you happy, we were dismayed.

The moment we heard of your oppression, we wanted to take the global stage, pound the podium SHARPLY, and demand LOUDLY, on your behalf, FREEDOM from oppression, and the installation of a democratic and capitalist state in your country. We wanted to bring sanctions, negotiate, do whatever needs to be done to help you throw off your chains, despite what Obama says and does.

We deplore the bloodshed. We condemn those who perpetrate it, and want to help you bring them to whatever justice you feel they deserve, be it trial or death.

Don’t listen to President Obama. We, the American People, WE STAND WITH YOU. If we could help you, we would, right now, before more die or are injured, and without hesitation. That is the kind of people we are, and if we had a leader and a government who was more like us, then you would see it from him right now. In fact, Obama, embarrasses us. He is not following our wishes. He is not doing what we want, which is to strongly fight tyranny everywhere. We apologize for his inaction, and promise to elect new leaders in future who will support the death of tyranny and the struggle of humanity to be free everywhere.

Our leader may be weak right now, but WE ARE STRONG. And we will fight tyranny with you, in any way we can. We despise tyranny. We wish it to be eradicated from the planet. But as long as non-democratic, non-capitalist states stand, there will be tyranny. We fight to end tyranny, worldwide. And WE STAND WITH YOU, as long as you do the same.

It may be difficult now, but in the end, together, WE WILL WIN. And then the entire human race can live in peace and enjoy the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Yours in Freedom…The American People

Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 2

[caption id="attachment_3374" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 2"]Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 2[/caption]

So will the next candidate on the GOP side be a sacrificial lamb who will be slaughtered against the wave of Barack Hussein Obama in the next election? Is that way the current slate of possible candidates is holding back?

No, I don’t think so. I have more faith in the American people than that. I think that this election has to be as much of an anti-Obama election as it is a pro-Tea-Party-infused-Republican election. We have to home in on all of the negative things Obama has done to our country at the same time as we highlight the strengths of the movement back to first principles. We have to focus not just on the man or woman who will represent us, but the entire movement behind him or her. That the strength comes from the ideals and principles, and not from narcissistic dictatorial fiat.

In a sense, we have to present that we ALL stand against Obama, not just the candidate. If America sees that, then we will win. And America can be restored.

Who Will Stand Against Obama? Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3374" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 1"]Who Will Stand Against Obama Part 1[/caption]

OK so I think at last count there are something like 12 or more (count ‘em) possible candidates who could go up against Obama next year. And the time for debate is fast approaching. Pretty soon, it will be time for someone to step up and really take the reins.

I’m wondering though, why no one has stepped up really strongly yet. Is it because they are all a bit intimidated by Obama and his upcoming, likely $1 billion re-election campaign, largely funded by those outside of the United States, aiming to take us even further down? Or is there a sense that whoever steps up against Obama will get so much flak so early on from his operatives that that person may end up as a sacrificial lamb, and be expected to lose against Obama?

My sense was that John Kerry was just that lamb, sacrificed up in 2004 so that Hillary Clinton could attempt to take the reins in 2008. She couldn’t have seen Obama on his foreign money propelled rocket ship flying over her head. Do we have a chance against Obama? Yes: continued next post…

Obama: Say What You Believe

[caption id="attachment_3372" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama: Say What You Believe"]Obama: Say What You Believe[/caption]

Obama, in his recent decision not to enforce the Defense Of Marriage Act, or DOMA, has basically said, in deeds, that he believes in gay marriage. Then how come every time we ask him about how he feels about gay marriage, he says the exact same thing:
I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman

So in words, he disagrees with it, then in deeds, he does the exact opposite. Is this a politician thing? Have we basically come to expect that most everything out of the mouths of politicians is a lie? How when Republicans like, they are held accountable, but when Democrats lie, they are lauded?

Man up, Mr. President. If you support gay marriage, just come out and say so. By your actions, I can’t believe that anyone can still believe that you don’t. So just come out of the closet, man.

DOMA: Obama Above The Law

[caption id="attachment_3360" align="alignright" width="150" caption="DOMA : Obama Thinks He is Above The Law"]DOMA - Obama: Say What You Believe - Who Will Stand Against Him[/caption]

In a major victory for the proponents of gay marriage, the Defense Of Marriage Act, AKA DOMA, has been deemed unconstitutional by Eric Holder, and will therefore not be enforced by the Department of Justice. This is an interesting turn of events.

On the one hand, I agree that gay marriage, like any and every other social issue, is a personal thing, and the right to marry/not to marry should not rest on the whims of a government, any government for that matter.

On the other hand, this is still the law of the land, until it gets struck down by the Supreme Court. So as a constitutionalist, I say that Obama does not have to right to decide which laws he will enforce – he is bound to enforce the laws as they exist. By not enforcing this law, he is putting himself above the law.


914 - DOMA - Obama: Say What You Believe - Who Will Stand Against Him

[caption id="attachment_3360" align="alignright" width="150" caption="DOMA - Obama: Say What You Believe - Who Will Stand Against Him"]DOMA - Obama: Say What You Believe - Who Will Stand Against Him[/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • The Defense Of Marriage Act or DOMA is struck down. Now its up to Obama to enforce it through the DOJ, and we has decided not to. This is very rare that the President of the United States does not enforce a law on the books

  • Obama says that he is against gay marriage, but then all of his actions label him as being FOR gay marriage. Why wont he just come out and say that he is for it? I mean do people really believe him when he says he doesn't believe in it? Does anyone still fall for that?

  • Why is the GOP field still so open at this point? Is it because everyone is afraid to go up against Obama? Are we going to see a sacrifice play, like John Kerry was for Hillary Clinton back in '04?

  • Listen Now:

No Gas or Trains. How Do We Get To Work. Part 2

Read Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3348" align="alignright" width="150" caption="No Gas Or Trains. How Do We Get To Work?"][/caption]

Gas too expensive to drive. Trains unavailable to take. What, is Obama trying to drive us into unemployment and welfare? Or just trying to make our lives so hard that all we have the capacity to think about is surviving, and not have the time to take political action.

Take is from me, as a ex-Canadian, the government PURPOSELY tries to make your life as difficult as possible. Here’s my reasoning: if your life is difficult, if you are simply spending all of your time attempting to survive, you won’t have any time left over in order to challenge the government. If you are spending all your time in 3 jobs trying to pay for your gas and mortgage, when will you have time to join a Tea Party protest.

They want our lives to be as difficult as possible. Its another way to keep us repressed, just like the people of Egypt, Libya and the like. We are not unlike them, at all.

Victoria Jackson: "Obama is a communist"

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I have always liked Victoria Jackson, I don't know why. Maybe there really is some kind of sixth sense we libertarians and conservatives have about others like us, for example, I've also always liked Kelsey Grammer,  Janine Turner and Jon Voight as well.


as well, (CBS) - "Saturday Night Live" alum and conservative firebrand Victoria Jackson has become a voice in the national political conversation. The comedian has become prominent in the Tea Party movement, attended this year's Conservative Political Action Conference. She's also been telling anyone who will listen about her guiding belief in politics: Obama is a communist.

via Victoria Jackson: "Obama is a communist" - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News.

No Gas or Trains. How Do We Get To Work? Part 1

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As I mentioned in my previous post, Obama is purposely forcing gas prices higher, probably to support the regimes in the Middle East, partly to force more people of the roads and out of their cars and into public transit and other high speed rail boondoggles.

I take the train to work once or twice a week here, mostly so that I can blog and relax instead of fight traffic. Due to budget shortages in California, they are looking at cutting the numbers of trains down by half, and shutting down most stations between San Jose and San Francisco. One of the stations that is due to close is the one near my office. Additionally, if they do this, the trains will be packed to capacity.

Gas too expensive to drive. Trains unavailable to take. What, is Obama trying to drive us into unemployment and welfare?

Continued in Part 2

Obama Welcomes High Gas Prices

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I’m sure that Barack Obama and his minions are welcoming the increase in gas prices with open arms. Hell, I think many of the pundits on the left have opined openly about how great it would be for the environment if gas was $5, $10, $15 a gallon. Of course, they aren’t hurting, since they either get driven around on the taxpayers dime, or take cabs, or live in some other sort of urban area where they don’t need to have a car to get around. On the one hand, he does not intervene in places where oil production is at risk, like the Middle East, and on the other hand, stops companies from drilling on our soil or offshore. I’m thinking that they are trying to get the price of gas to $10 a gallon, with no care for the consequences of those of us who must drive to work.

Unions: An Unnecessary Evil

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One of the positive aspects of the current unrest and protests in Wisconsin, as well as other states who will soon be needing to do the exact same thing to their public employees, is that this crisis is shining a bright light on the actions of unions. The thuggery, the comparisons of Wisconsin Governor to Hitler, the violence, the fraud of school teachers calling in sick and getting fake doctors notes written, the kids who are missing out on school as this, lets call it what it really is, strike, against the people of Wisconsin shuts down the schools for even more time. All of this is revealing the dirty tactics of these people. Unfortunately, since most of the mainstream media sides with labor and the unions, all of these dirty dealings are rarely uncovered for America to see.

Unions used to protect the worker. Now they use most of their funds for politicking, and extracting more concessions from the taxpayer. If you ask me, their time has come and gone.

The Sunset Of The State

Powerful video from Stefan Molyneux, the host of Freedomain Radio.

Unions: Fighting The People

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Did you know that in the private sector, only about 6% of employees are unionized? In the public sector, 36% are unionized? This tells us two things: first of all, the power of unions is way less that we originally thought. Judging by all of the reporting and screaming and shouting, it would lead you to believe that there are more people in unions than not. That is obviously not true: unions members are in the minority of workers, in both the private and public sector. And secondly, the unions are usually portrayed as supporting the common man or the middle class, against unfeeling, nasty, corporate overlords. The reality is that those “mean corporate overlords” are a tiny minority, of all business (I’m sure most businesses do care more for their employees, even in unionized industries). Most of those unions rail against the state, which is supposed to represent the people. So when you see public sector unions railing against their employer, calling them Hitler, etc, they are really talking to you. They are fighting the people.

No Gas or Trains. How Do We Get To Work. Part 2

Read Part 1

Gas too expensive to drive. Trains unavailable to take. What, is Obama trying to drive us into unemployment and welfare? Or just trying to make our lives so hard that all we have the capacity to think about is surviving, and not have the time to take political action.

Take is from me, as a ex-Canadian, the government PURPOSELY tries to make your life as difficult as possible. Here’s my reasoning: if your life is difficult, if you are simply spending all of your time attempting to survive, you won’t have any time left over in order to challenge the government. If you are spending all your time in 3 jobs trying to pay for your gas and mortgage, when will you have time to join a Tea Party protest.

They want our lives to be as difficult as possible. Its another way to keep us repressed, just like the people of Egypt, Libya and the like. We are not unlike them, at all.

913 - Fire Them All - Doctors Should Lose License - Queen Obamas Pigout

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On Today's Show:

  • The austerity campaign in Wisconsin continues, now Doctors are committing fraud by writing fake sick notes. I say: fire all the teachers, and suspend those doctors licenses.

  • The Democrats continue to lounge in Illinois, probably using taxpayers funds to be pampered. They are probably all having expensive spa treatments

  • Apparently many government employees outfit their entire families with laptops, groceries etc. The day of the government employee must end and it must end soon

  • This is exposing Obama and his organization for what he is. Has ever before in history a president worked to shut down a state government?

  • We need a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards these people. They have no compassion for us, why should we have any for them? They have no issues breaking any laws and rules. They will do whatever they can to win.

First Lady Gorges While Telling Her Subjects To Starve

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This is totally typical. While telling the rest of the country to eat healthy, the Queen of America gorges herself on huge portions of ribs, enough to make linebackers cry. I guess this is what happens when you have royalty and subjects. Liberals, for some reason, can totally live with the bizarre juxtaposition of behaviors, where the rest of us feel bad when we are being lying hypocrites.

During her weekend ski vacation in Vail, Colo., First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters feasted on ribs purported to pack a nutritional wallop of more than 1,500 calories and 140 grams of fat. As we all know, Obama has made nutrition and exercise cornerstones of her policy goals while in the White House. And while the Obamas also ate some veggies and undoubtedly got their day’s worth of exercise on the snowy slopes, is the dietary splurge a case of “eat as I say, not as I eat”?

via Rush Limbaugh Slams First Lady’s Nutritional Hypocrisy | The Blaze.

Fire The Wisconsin Doctors, Too

[caption id="attachment_2429" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Fire The Wisconsin Doctors, Too."][/caption]

It looks like doctors in Wisconsin have been writing fake sick notes for the teachers so that they can take time off work and go to these protests asking for more favors from the state, even though the state can no longer afford to do this. In a previous post, I suggested that we fire all of the teachers, just like Reagan fired all of the air traffic controllers a long time ago. I think we should do the same for all of the doctors who falsified the sick notes, or at least suspend their licenses. This is all out war against the statists people, and they won't stop until America is remade in their own image. We have to stop this now before it gets worse - you know that Obama is in it for the long haul. We have to fight back to keep our country the way it should be.

The Original Instruction Manual Of American Government

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With all the talk of reform and change, we really need to think deeply about what American government is and what we need from it. We need innovation and new thinking. Actually, scratch that. We DON’T need innovation and new thinking. We just need to go back to the original instruction manual for government, and only let government do what is in there and nothing more.

Think of the government as something we built from this original manual. We then took this manual and put in in a drawer and forgot about it. We then started building all sorts of new things onto government, ignoring the fact that some of these things we bolted on just didn’t work. We lost site of the original manual and what it states.

This original manual, is, of course, the Constitution. Go back to that manual, read it thoroughly, and ONLY LET GOVERNMENT DO WHAT IT SAYS, no more. Only then can we be saved.

Chris Christie: Will Americans Vote For Someone Like Them?

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So Governor Christie makes a great case, and if he changes his mind about running for President and does, I think he would be a strong candidate. The question is: can we look past his exterior (if you haven’t seen him, Governor Christie is a large man) and vote for someone based on his words and not what he looks like? I mean can we really vote for someone who truly looks like a regular American (at least count we have a 60% obesity rate), like someone who you could see sitting in the next booth at Hometown Buffet?

Do we really need our elected officials to look like celebrities? Do we really need them to look good or sound good (Some people take exception with Sarah Palin’s voice). Have we as a people gone beyond the superficial, and can truly elect the best person for the job, no mater what they look like?

Chris Christie Wows, But Does He Go Far Enough?

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So I checked out Governor Chris Christie’s speech at the American Enterprise Institute the the other day. He makes a great case, speaking strongly about doing big things and dealing with the real, big issues, like social security, medicare and the military. I think he has a grasp of some of the enormity of the issues facing us today – literally life of death issues for America. He speaks convincingly, and seems to have some good solutions, well is at least open to serious action. Although while listening to him, I still had this sense that even his solutions would not be good enough. We truly need to go back to first principles, take the state back down to the level it was at during the founding of this country. The question is: can he go far enough? I wasn’t convinced in listening to him. At this point, I’m not sure anyone understands the enormity of the changes that need to take place in order for this country to survive.

OK: Let’s Assault The Unions

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Now that is has come to light that Obama’s Organizing For America is behind the protests for more government worker entitlements in Wisconsin, and he specifically uses the incendiary words “Assault on Unions” in the last interview he gave, I say we give it to him. He wants a fight – we should give him one. If he thinks we are trying to take down the unions, then lets have at it! Unions have been a huge thorn in the side of business for far too long – they regularly conspire with government to steal from us and provide very poor service. They continually spend their dues outside of the original mandate or protecting their members: they are outmoded, archaic institutions which need to die, just like those companies that Obama bailed out should have. So I say, you think this is an assault on unions, I say: It’s way past time we took them out. Let’s do it now, and the sooner the better.

WI Governor Should Pull A Reagan And Fire Them All

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Doubtless you’ve hard of the protests in Wisconsin. There’s about 10,000 public employees trying to pressure the Republican governor to keep their perks, salaries and pensions while the rest of us in the private sector have to go without. Just like the workers asking for more entitlements in Greece.

If you ask me, Scott Walker should pull a Ronald Reagan and fire all of them just like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers back in the 80s.

One of my old bosses used to say “If you don’t like your job, go! There’s busloads of people pulling up to take it.” Especially with the unemployment levels being what they are now, thanks to Obama, I’ll bet Wisconsin would be flooded with resumes if he ever had the guts to do it. As one of my favorite movie characters of all time states “Playtime is over, and business is business”.

Obama Should Bow To American Businessmen, Not Tyrants

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Obama met yesterday with some titans of industry here in Silicon Valley (just a stones throw from where I live here in Freedom Bunker, CA). While I didn’t get to see the motorcade or any of the guests, I did hear that some of the best and brightest (heads of Facebook, Google, Twitter etc) met with Obama, ostensibly about job creation.

I hope that they didn’t just pay lip service to the President and just tell him what he wanted to hear instead of the truth, which is : “If you want to create jobs, just get out of our way and let us do it”. These business leaders have created hundreds of thousands of jobs, which a mere 5-10 years ago didn’t even exist.

So if you ask me, Obama should quit bowing deeply to the tyrants and other political leaders of the world. He SHOULD however be bowing deeply to the American Businessman, who he reviles so much, as it is the AMERICAN BUSINESSMAN who will in the end save his bacon, if there is any bacon left to be saved, that is.

Government Shutdown Is Not A Threat, We Welcome It


[caption id="attachment_3283" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Government Shutdown Is Not A Threat, We Welcome It!"]Government Shutdown Is Not A Threat, We Welcome It![/caption]

It’s pretty funny: whenever a government official stands up and makes an announcement that unless “taxes are increased” then we will have to “shutdown the government”. Usually, these announcements are made in serious tones, with all sorts of horror stories being told. To hear them speak, it sounds like the end of the world, that the country will simply ground to a halt. To them it sounds like the apocalypse. Like the end of the world.

Well I say: Bring It On! Not only are we not afraid of a government shutdown, we WELCOME IT! In fact, I think Sarah Palin made the point that we’d save a ton of money just by shutting the government down for a bit – maybe even enough to not have to raise the debt ceiling.

During the Clinton administration, a similar budget impasse shut the government down for a spell. Guess what happened? We are still here, and we saved a bunch of money. I say, do it again, now, and for as long as we can take it. We WELCOME it!

Wisconsin Like Greece, Not Egypt

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As the protests continue in Wisconsin, the protesters like to compare themselves to the protestors and rioters in Egypt, protesting an oppressive regime which did not allow their people to hold free and democratic elections, and repress the people via suppression of free speech and high taxes. While they are both protesting, the comparison is false, and is in fact the opposite: while Egypt was attempting to reduce government repression, these protesters are looking to increase it, to gain at the expense of others. If you want to compare this to other protests, this is more like what happened in Greece, where government workers were asking for more handouts, when there wasn’t nay money left. That’s a bit less noble, don’t you think, but true, nonetheless. These protesters want more money out of OUR pockets, not freedom. BIG difference, if you ask me.

The President Who Hated America The Most

If you want to call the Obama administration a historic presidency, you’d be wrong to say its because he’s the first black president, I mean: 1) he’s multiracial 2) I thought Bill Clinton was the first black president. No, this Presidency is historic due to his deep hatred of America.

So you say: Future, what's your evidence. Two major things, one from a while back and one from today. Do you remember when Arizona decided to do something about illegal immigration and passed a law to let cops ask people who they thought were illegals for their papers and if they were found to be illegal, work to have them charged and deported? Well, Obama both sued Arizona, AND reported them to the United Nations as a violation of human rights.

It has now come to light that the protests in Wisconsin for more government perks and entitlements for government workers is being supported and orchestrated by Obama’s own organization, Organizing For America. Has any other President in the course of our history, ever undertaken such bold acts of undermining our republic, not to mention all of the unconstitutional laws that he is forcing on us?

When you look at all the evidence, its difficult to see him as anything other than the most hateful American president. And that hate is directed right at the ideals of America, and the American people.

Job Creation Is Code for Boondoggle

Guest Column by Kevin J. Shutt, founder and chief blogger at the libertarian The Shutt Chute, http://kevinJshutt.com,

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Florida Gov. Rick Scott isn’t making any friends in Tallahassee, or is he?

According to The Tampa Tribune, “Governor shows he’s a different kind of leader” by announcing his proposed budget at a Tea Party meeting near Orlando; notifying state legislators that he’s selling the state’s two planes and they’d be on the hook for their own travel; and not cozying up to the Tallahassee press corps, among others actions and words indicating he won’t accept “business as usual.”

Then, on Wednesday, he dropped the bombshell when he gave a virtual middle finger to about $2.4 billion in federal grant money for a proposed high-speed rail line between Tampa and Orlando, effectively killing the project.

This of course ignited a firestorm of protestations from all across the political spectrum, including a budding libertarian at my blog, The Shutt Chute. The Trib’s “Local leaders decry decision,” quotes Tampa’s mayor who championed the HSR system and several candidates for municipal offices as being outraged with Scott.

You can read my initial reaction here, just an hour or so after Scott’s press conference.
In standard, “status quo” fashion, Democrats and Republicans are joining forces across the proverbial aisle to find a backdoor method to go around Scott and keep the boondoggle on track.

“I don’t have a law school degree,” said U.S. Rep. John Mica of Florida, as quoted in The Tampa Tribune. “But, we are going to look at every option.”

The Republican chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Mica appears to be teaming up with Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida, to investigate and fast track the creation of a new state entity, independent of the governor’s office, with the hope they can still secure some of that addictive federal grant money.

Over at Facebook, one of my political acquaintances posted the following status update this morning, “Florida FLOOD Nelson and Mica Office with calls telling them to STOP NOW!!” and included a link to this blog: Florida Political Press. I read the post and a few hours later decided to call.

Using my Livescribe smart pen, I was able to record both sides of the conversation with Mica’s office and Nelson’s. Listen in and then continue reading below.
embed code for pencast of my two phone calls:

or the link: goo.gl/auBco
My decision to record the conversations was last minute and the corresponding notes are sloppy because of that. Nonetheless, it’s hard not to hang up with those staffers, one of whom is just an intern, and not feel like whatever you had to say, because it’s a dissenting opinion, will get relegated to the circular file before reaching anybody with any clout.

To be fair, I completely understand that the guys and gals who answer the phones at these congressional offices are the lowest rung on the ladder; they’re at the bottom of the totem pole; they’re … you get the point, one guy was an intern and the other the self-professed “new guy.”

But, these staffers made no attempt to make me feel like my opinion was valued, even if it wasn’t in line with what their respective bosses were doing. In fact, I didn’t really give them much indication early on as to which way I was leaning.

I posted my conversation with Nelson’s and Mica’s offices on Facebook and got this feedback from whoever manages the AM 540 WFLA Orlando’s page: “Not answering anything resembling a question is an art form.”

I can’t help but wonder if they were non-responsive because I was in favor of Scott’s announcement, hate their jobs or lack proper customer service skills (making them on par with the customer service industry). Maybe it was that I was recording them.

The most important message I wanted to convey to Nelson and Mica, because they’re the ones making the biggest push to keep the high-speed rail alive, is that claims of 20,000+ jobs being created are a farce.

Obviously, there are jobs created with such a project but the $26 million in studies never look at the unintended consequences such as loss revenue for everybody from whom government is drawing the $2.4 billion and these “new jobs” in many cases could just be shifting jobs, following the money and, because of the new construction demand, artificially inflated prices in the supply line.

Not the least of our worries, we should seriously question the validity of a high-speed train to cover a two-hour drive-time commute.

I mean, who goes into business with the intent of “creating jobs.” Entrepreneurs start businesses because they have found (or think they have) a way to capitalize off the needs or wants of society. That jobs are created is a result of the business’ success.

In my experience, it is only ever governments that proclaim job creation when entering a new venture. And, the more vocal they are about the jobs, the less legitimate the project is bound to be.
Kevin J. Shutt is founder and chief blogger at the libertarian The Shutt Chute, http://kevinJshutt.com, where individual liberty & personal responsibility go hand-in-hand.

912 - Historic Presidential Hate - Wisconsin Like Greece, Not Egypt

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On Today's Show

  • Historic Presidential Hate : What's historic about this President is not his skin color, but his hate for America

  • Wisconsin is like Greece, not Egypt

  • Chris Christie Wows, But Does He Go Far Enough?

  • Chris Christie: Will Americans Vote For Someone Like Them?

  • Obama Should Bow To American Businessmen, Not Tyrants

  • Government Shutdown Is Not A Threat, We Welcome It

  • Democrats Flee To Illinois

  • WI Governor Should Pull A Reagan And Fire Them All

  • Listen Now:

Education: 3 out of 5 Lose

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Education in this country is broken: everyone completely gets this. There is not one person who feels that the public education system is working. But nothing will ever change or get better, because even though there are 5 constituents which make up the educational system:

  1. Students

  2. Parents

  3. Teachers

  4. Unions

  5. Government

The last two will always attempt to maintain the status quo, and therefore the system will never change. It’s funny how the least important players in the this game are the ones who hold the most power, and are also the ones least affected by the system.

The students are the direct benefactors of a quality education. A quality education, fair and balanced, provides students with all of the tools required in order to survive and yes, compete, in this world. You think students in other countries stop scoring soccer games because the students feel bad? No.

The parents pay for this education. In return they get a shoddy product, and are forced to take it. In some states, it is actually illegal to homeschool your children, and in most others, parents cannot afford to pay their taxes AND send their children to private schools that work.

The teachers, if you are me, are basically good, they do what they can with the resources that they are given.

These three players are desperate to change the game. They have seen the quality of education in this country plummet as the costs have skyrocketed. They know that there is no correlation between money spent and quality of education. They see reformers like Michelle Rhee, and others who push for vouchers as focused bright lights who could conceivable do something about the state of affairs.

Unfortunately, the last two players in this game like the rules exactly the way they are: unions have a sweet deal – in concert with the tax stealing government, these two thieves and low lifes have stolen billions of dollars and many educations from the first three players. This is why when Obama came into office, he halted the voucher program in one of the poorest districts in the country. He extinguished any hope there could have been for these students. But you never hear about that do you?

Vouchers have universal appeal for the first 3 players: they allow the best schools to stay open, the best teachers to gravitate to them, and the poor schools to close and the poor teachers to leave the field. Vouchers initiate competition, the thing which drives people to be better than they were. But since vouchers only have negative effects for the other 2 players, they are then forbidden.

There is no way out of this: unless we see a massive, immediate change in the system, billions more dollars will be spent, on ever worsening education, and the only ones who will benefit will be those last two players.

So I only see one solution: cut them out. How can we cut out the unions and the government? Start as many new private schools as we can. Drive the kids out of the public schools into private schools. Create a second private school system, a shadow school system if you will. A Real America school system, as opposed to a Government America school system. Then starve it out.

Or drive vouchers everywhere. Use it as leverage to drive out both last players corruption of the system. In the end the only real solution is to take the whole system private, with the money given back to the parents, so that they can put it back into the right teachers and the right schools. But we can’t wait long.

What The Government Should Do

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Nothing. Well actually, two things. There are only two things that the government should do, and had the original mandate to do:

  1. Protect us against invasion from other countries

  2. Keep a justice system in place in order for disputes between people to be dealt with

That is all. Those two points above are the only things that government should be doing, not the other million plus things that it is doing right now, deeply interfering in our lives and digging deep into our pockets to steal our hard earned cash.

When you look at it from that perspective, you realize how far from the roots of our government it has strayed, and continues to stray.

But some may say: what about this or that thing that the government does? Well I say, if the government stops doing it, and then a private company steps in to provide that “service”, and can make money and survive by doing it, well then I guess it was worth doing. If no one enters the fray to do the work, I can bet you that we never needed that service after all.

Why Would We Want To Be “Run”?

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Why would anyone want to live in a country with strong central government controlling your life? Because that’s not only where we are going, some could even argue that’s where we are.

Sure, sometimes its difficult to make decisions about your life – sometimes you think, wouldn’t it be great if I could hand off all of the big and small decisions to someone else? That someone else wiser than me could basically run my life for me? Kind of like when you were a kid?

Well, we are all adults now. And as grownups, we may not like it, but we are all fully responsible for ourselves, and for those of us with families, we are responsible for those as well. Though it may feel a burden at times, running ourselves keeps us fully human, fully adult.

No Fight Against Tyranny

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So here we are: after the somewhat successful ouster of Mubarak in Egypt, the rest of the middle east, who have suffered under the yoke of tyrannical regimes for a long time, start looking to affect the same kind of change in their countries. This can only be a good thing, as these regimes have suppressed and stolen from their people (as well as the rest of us through foreign aid) for far too long.

What’s Obama’s response to the unrest? Is he flying the banner of freedom and democracy? Is he actively helping the people throw off their tyrants? No. I wonder why Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t do anything when people revolt against these tyrannical regimes? Is it that he doesn’t believe in America? Or is it that he sees more in common between himself and the tyrant?

Man Up

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Look, no one likes to go without. No one likes to make do with less. No one likes lowered expectations. However, it comes with the job of being a responsible, intelligent adult, not a spoiled brat looking for handouts.

Playtime is over. We need to do WHATEVER IT TAKES in order to balance the budget, as long as it doesn’t slam the brakes on any kind of recovery by increasing taxes. We need to MAN UP, take our medicine, in the form of going without, making do with less, and lowered expectations. If we don’t do this, we just don’t survive.

It is what people do. Those of us who suffered job loss at some point in our lives know what we have to do. We struggle along, take responsibility as best we can, until we can do better. And this is exactly what the government needs to do. To do what it takes to survive. We know Obama doesn’t have it in him. Let’s hope the new Tea Party infused Congress does.

Budget Proves Obama Unfit

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This budget is a joke. There is really nothing in it which addresses the big issues, nothing that hits at what needs to be hit at: such as cuts to entitlement spending, as well as the defense budget cuts. Where is the Republican response to the budget? We need it yesterday, but it’s coming in March. If this is truly a negotiation tactic, and not a real budget (many pundits have said that this budget is not truly serious, but a starting point for negotiations) then the reality is that Obama is simply playing games with us, our country and our future. He released this budget knowing full well that it would make matters worse, so he could claim a victory by compromise. The issue is though, it tells us volumes about him, that he will never take serious steps on his own to improve our fiscal crisis. He is unfit to be president.

The Simple Solution To Our Budget Woes

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Here is a very, very simple solution to our budget woes. All we really have to do is to just look at what we, as people, have to do in order to balance our own budgets, and then simply apply those to Federal and State spending. What do we do?

  1. We spend less. We cut back. We do without.

  2. We make more. Get a better job, or get an additional job, sell stuff

Why do Democrats make everything SO complicated? They act like its all so difficult, but in reality its simple. How does the government do it? Cut back. Spend less. How does it make more? Sell bonds, increase taxes. The only issue: raising taxes will kill the economy even more. So in reality, there is only ONE solution:

Cut back. Spend less. Do without.

I guess it just too clear and simple for the Democrats to understand.

Regulating Smell

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I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts the other day, Free Talk Live (I still listen even though they denied me entry into their network – guess I’m too practical for them). Anyways they were discussing Portland’s foray into regulating how people smell, discussing how they are planning to enact some new laws to stop people from smelling excessively: I guess that includes body odor, strong perfumes, etc etc. So people complain, say (as they do in Canada and other socialist states a lot) “The government should step in here and DO SOMETHING about it.” So they are planning to enact a “Smell Code” – assumingly punished by a fine, leading to jail time if you don’t pay etc.

Whatever happened to just saying to someone “Dude, you reek! Take a shower” or “ Sorry, but that’s way too much perfume". Somewhere along the way, we just started to assume that the government should fight ALL of our battles for us. And that’s wrong.

A Sample Chapter From The BunkerBook: Government IS Control

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Here is a sample chapter from The BunkerBook: Nuggets Of Liberty From The Freedom Bunker, available now for Kindle readers and software.

It’s called Garbage = Power, my little treatise on why people go into government:

I am firmly convinced that the only reason people go into government is to control others. Let me tell you a little story.

I used to live in an area where our trash pickup was on Wednesdays. When I moved into that area, we got a letter from the trash company saying to put out the trash the night before, since the trash pickup could come anytime between 6am and 3pm, depending on how busy the “sanitation engineers” were that day. So I did so.

Eventually, I noted that every Wednesday, without fail, for more than a year, the truck would come by after 10am, in fact sometimes as late as 5pm, but always, always after 10am. Every Wednesday, like clockwork, after 10am.

So eventually, I, and everyone else on the street, got used to taking out the trash on Wednesday morning, trusting that by the evidence piled up over the last year, that the truck would not be by until after most of us had left for work.

So that’s what we all did. Every Wednesday morning, we’d greet each other on our way to take out the trash bins and get in our cars and go. This went on for over a year.

Then one day, I’m lying in bed. It’s 6am Wednesday morning. I just woke up. And what do I hear?

Yes, folks. It’s the garbage truck, banging, slamming and grinding and grunting.

So I jump up – hurriedly put on some clothes and tear out the door, half asleep, pulling my bins to the curb in the ungodly early early very cold morning. As were almost all of my neighbors, in various stages of dress. Some of us just didn’t make it in time. We grumbled and went back to bed.

So maybe after I thought, OK, maybe they changed their shift. So we all started dutifully putting our bins out the night before. Guess what?

They started coming after 10am again. And as far as I know, they are still coming after 10am.

This is what I think happened: Some government functionary in the always interesting waste removal division was incredibly bored one day, or had a fight with his wife, or was constipated, or was pissed off because he didn’t get a promotion, whatever. This guy decided, simply because he can, to screw with our heads. He probably called the waste removal company and changed the schedule on purpose just to screw us all over. I’m sure that he got a great laugh about it.

So this is my theory. Why does anyone get into government? Why would anyone aspire to be a “public servant” (chuckle), unless it was to run other people’s lives? Cause if you ask me, anyone who doesn’t want to run other people’s lives should just get into the business world. That’s where you can’t survive simply telling people what to do.

911 - Hamilton Vs Jefferson - Budget Woes - Middle East Protests

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On Today's Show:

  • Are we seeing a battle between a Hamiltonian vision and a Jeffersonian vision of America?

  • This budget is not an adult budget, its playtime. Playtime of a rich, spoiled, brat. It's all tax and spend, there are no real solutions for solving the big problems of government, which all have very simple solutions.

  • Why do the Democrats make everything so complicated?

  • Why do people want to live in a country with a heavy government intervention in their lives? What is it about certain individuals who think government is GOOD and NECESSARY? What is wrong with these people? Were they brought up in an atmosphere of entitlement?

  • Maybe the natural state of children is to be controlled and managed, the natural state of man is to be free. At least "adult man". So lets be free.

Debt Doomsday: DC's Spending Crisis

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The more things change - the more they stay the same. 2600 years later, governments STILL don't get it. "Draconian" cuts is what we NEED right now, not just want. It is essential that we cut to the bone. Otherwise, how can we survive:


After the riots in Athens, the Greek authorities decided to enact new laws to deal with their obvious problems. The new laws, which treat rich and poor alike for the first time, have been seen has harsh. The name of the legislator who wrote the laws is a man called Draco. The date is believed to be 621 B.C. And more than 2,600 years later, the adjectival form of his name -- draconian -- is still tossed around here in Washington anytime someone proposes real budget cuts.

via RealClearPolitics - Debt Doomsday: DC's Spending Crisis.

Obama’s Next Gig

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As I said in my earlier post (Obama Strengthens The UN), Obama is looking to throw some of our hard earned cash towards the UN. While the UN has never done anything but slam us and hate us, it is, of course, Obama’s next port of call.

I never thought that Obama would be happy with simply being “President of the United States” For most of us, that would be a dream come true, the ultimate goal. How can you top being the President of the Best place on Earth? Well, what if you don’t think America is the best place on Earth? What if you truly believe in your heart that America is just OK, but that the rest of the world is pretty cool too. That you don’t really believe in American exceptionalism, and therefore, not only work actively to take America down, you also set your sights on your next goal: President of the World. I mean really, once Obama is done with destroying America, being President of Not Quite the Best Place on Earth doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

So that’s why, I think, Obama is helping out the UN. Once he pays it forward by funding the UN until forever, they’ll probably welcome him as their leader with open arms, don’t you think?

Billions For Broken Education

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The old Liberal saw – if we just throw enough money at it it will finally his some tipping point will suddenly make it work. Throwing more money into a broken system will not fix the system. It needs to be privatized, it needs to be given back to the people.

Education is like an old car: we keep spending money on giving the damn thing a new coast of paint, when it really needs to be junked. We need to junk the current educational system and start from scratch. Vouchers, leading to eventual privatization is the only logical solution.

Of course the biggest crime there is that not only we are wasting money on a broken system and paying off Obama’s liberal cronies, we are also destroying our future by giving our kids an uncompetitive education. And that’s the worst sin of all.

Obama Detached From Reality

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Another interesting thing in this budget: it seems like its completely detached from reality. For some reason, without actually providing any solutions which would help grow the economy (and as many have argued, will actually make matters worse) it assumes that things are going to turn around, that things are going to get better, even though they may never.

It’s like buying a paid of jeans two sizes smaller, then pigging out on cakes and ice cream. I suppose that its possible that you may do other things, like exercise, to lose enough weight to eventually fit in them, but the prognosis is not good.

We are too fat: we need to lose weight, otherwise we’ll have more problems than fitting into that pair of jeans. It’s the oncoming heart attack moment which I’m worried about.

What Spurs Economic Growth?

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This is not our first time at the rodeo. The keys to economic growth are not strange, bizarre, confusing or complicated. It’s very well know what spurs economic growth. Volumes and volumes have been written on it, thousands of economists agree, (Paul Krugman excepted, of course) that the fastest way to grow the economy is to cut out, as much as possible, governments involvement in it, from reducing taxes, to reducing regulation, to cutting spending. Less government involvement, and ultimately, less government, will rapidly fuel a new economic boom. It’s been proven over and over again. So if it’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, then why is Barack “All options are on the table” Obama not doing it? Simple. He simply cannot conceive of government being anything but a force of good. It’s a conceptual issue that he cannot get over. So smaller government is out of the question. My prediction: the economy will not and cannot get better unless he is out of office.

Fueling A Broken System

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One of the most interesting things about liberals: they figure that no matter what the issue is, whether its jobs, or education, or abortion or welfare, no matter what the issue is, that all it needs to be fixed is “a little more money” (or I guess in some cases – a LOT more money – witness the failed stimulus bill). Somehow, they feel that there is some magic monetary “tipping point” – that a broken system will magically repair itself once the “proper” amount of money has been thrown into it. These systems are so broken that no amount of money can fix them: and in fact has the opposite effect: if the systems keep getting money while they are broken, what incentive do they have to repair themselves.

No, the real solution is to privatize. Give the system back to the people to run, and it will be run 100 times better, 100 times more cheaply, and 100 time more efficiently.

Does Obama Actually Want Lower Unemployment?

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Sometimes I wonder, with the actions that this administration is taking against the American people, that Obama really wants to reduce unemployment.

I mean, did someone forget to tell him that, like golf, (which he is intimately familiar with) that a LOWER number is better than a higher number? Maybe all of this time he thought we should be shooting for a higher number?

Well, maybe some of this is not a joke: if you think about it: the more people that are on the dole in some way or another, the less and less have the skills and motivation to find a job: when you have been out of work for 1, 2, or 3+ years, you have adjusted to life on unemployment or welfare.

The more and more people who gain their lifestyle from the state, the more and more people will what to continue to support the state. If the government is paying you, why would you want to do anything to bite the hand that feeds you? The ultimate goal is to enlarge the welfare state as much as possible, so a higher unemployment number for him is actually a Good Thing.

This Is A Crisis

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I don’t think Obama and the Democrats get it. This is a real crisis.

This is truly America’s heart attack moment: here we are, clutching our chest, our left arm is numb, we are lying on the floor, we are gasping for breath. We need a defibrillator, and Obama offers up a Band Aid. This budget is a Band Aid, hell its not even a really big one. One could even argue that things like high speed rail boondoggles and tax increases are a grab and choke to the throat of a flailing America.

This is a fiscal crisis, no one gets that – no one is banging the gong – this is the end of America, fiscally insolvent. Does the GOP get it? Are they banging the gong – are they serious enough to cut what needs to be cut? I haven’t seen it yet. And the crisis will just continue, until we are all bought up, and owned by the rest of the world.

Obama Budget: Naïve, Stupid Or Evil?

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When one looks at that latest budget coming out of the Obama administration, one has to ask: is he, and his administration, really so completely out to lunch when it comes to the real true and only way to jumpstart an ailing economy, or he he just evil, wants things to go from bad to worse, and has some strange nefarious plan which some of those on the fringes think he has, or is he really so naïve and clueless that “kicking the can further down the road” like its always been done, is the right prescription for today? How does this supposedly intelligent intellectual make such egregious errors when it comes to economic policy?

It’s simple really: it’s agenda over reality. Obama would much rather continue to push more “failed policies of other countries past” like high speed rail, than do what needs to be done in order to turn things around. Since those things don’t fit his agenda, they don’t even merit a first glance, let alone a second thought.

910 - Obama Budget: Disconnected From Reality

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On Today's Show:

  • Obama releases a budget and its is completely disconnected from reality

  • Its almost like he is is so stupid that he has no idea how to turn things around, or that he is evil and doesn't wants things to turn around - not sure which one of those he is

  • There are tried and proven ways to get an economy kickstarted. This budget is not one of them and in fact does the exact opposite

  • We are in complete crisis, and he is spending and taxing like we are in the middle of boom times. Completely out of touch with reality - care nothing for the man on the street - like a king,with no thought whatsoever for his subjects.  Time for the king to be deposed.

  • Is it human to leech the blood of others? Is it human to kill hundreds in a terrorist attack?

  • Listen Now: