Will Obama Invade Libya?

[caption id="attachment_3469" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Will Obama Invade Libya?"]Will Obama Invade Libya?[/caption]

So the question is, will Obama invade Libya? Well, I see no reason why he would from an ideological standpoint, Obama’s ideology doesn’t believe in right and wrong, only shades of grey, so he has trouble processing the fact that Gaddafi is a BAD GUY. However, he may decide to invade Libya for political reasons, in order to attempt to propel himself into a second term. Now most people think this is unlikely, considering his contempt, and his lack of comprehension for a need for an Armed Forces, (if there are no bad guys in the world, why do we need an army to fight them?), however, since everything revolves around our narcissistic leader, then he may decide to take Gaddafi out in order to look good. Its not so far fetched: remember how he delayed sending more troops to Afghanistan right after the “won” the Nobel Peace Prize? Who knows how many Afghans and allied forces were killed when he was hemming and hawing about his decision? So I don’t put it past him to go to war in order to push up his patriot points, help him in his future role as President of the World once he gets to the UN, and assist him to secure a second term.