Trump For President? Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3296" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Trump For President?"]Trump For President?[/caption]

The last I saw Donald Trump, he was giving a rousing speech at the CPAC conference, which I reported on back when it happened. It was memorable for a few reasons: one, I had always thought of him as more of a neocon, or rightist Democrat, so I was a bit surprised to see him at CPAC of all places, and secondly, he came out with a statement which really riled up the Ron Paul supporters in the audience: he basically just spoke the truth that Ron Paul had zero chance of becoming President. I like Trump: maybe what we need is a businessman and not a politician to take the reigns for a bit and turn things in the right direction. At least, unlike Romney, he has no socialized healthcare system in his past to haunt him.


Kevin J. Shutt said...

I need to take the time to read this, but my general assessment is "I agree: No to Trump for President." The Shutt Chute ~