Obama Plays The Race Card, Says Tea Party Racist

[caption id="attachment_3473" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Playing The Race Card Never Gets Old For Obama"]Playing The Race Card Never Gets Old For Obama[/caption]

You know, playing the race card now seems to never get old for Obama. It’s funny, because for for someone who, way back in 2004, said these immortal words:
There is not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America -- there’s the United States of America.

it sure sounds like today, in his words and deeds, that there is a white America and a black America, a liberal America and a conservative America. I guess those were just pretty words, designed to fool the masses into thinking that this guy was some kind of post racial, post partisan candidate. Well, I guess it worked. And today, whether its telling Eric Holder to not prosecute Black Panther members who intimidated white voters at the polls, or talking about how the Tea Party has a “racial element” to it, playing the race card is becoming old hat for this guy. It’s too bad. As a multiracial candidate, he really had the right background to attempt to transcend race and truly put this behind us. But like all of the failed policies of other countries past which he is continuing to attempt to impose upon us, he really can’t help himself. In reality, Barack Hussein Obama has nothing but contempt for his white side, even though they bore the brunt of raising him.