My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3687" align="alignright" width="150" caption="My Visit To Left Wing Land"]My Visit To Left Wing Land[/caption]

I’ve been purposely staying away from places like the Huffington Post because I can’t really stand not only the slant of the publication, but the shrill tone of the articles. However this weekend, I noticed an article by Andrew Brietbart, of Big Government fame, on there, regarding the NPR sting, where they slammed the Tea Party for being racist. His article indicated that this was a win for the Tea Party, as this just made NPR look like idiots. So I commented, mentioning how I believed that the Tea Party looks at things from a purely fiscal perspective, and simply wants to reduce taxes for everyone. What did I get for my factual and reasoned argument: a one line insult. So I responded with, well I thought I might get some reasoned discourse on here, but I guess I was mistaken. After that the ball was rolling: I actually got a number of other readers fanning me on there.