The Breathtaking Idiocy Of The Union Thugs

[caption id="attachment_3230" align="alignright" width="150" caption="The Breathtaking Idiocy Of The Union Thugs"]The Breathtaking Idiocy Of The Union Thugs[/caption]

The amazingly breathtaking idiocy of the these union thugs, who around the country are in the midst of fighting for their outdated way of life, is simply incredible. This morning, I heard about a pushing match instigated at a Sacramento rally in solidarity for the workers Epithets like “go home”, “get an education”, “you’re all ignorant”, and finally “you fascists” were bestowed upon our Tea Party brethren who bravely counter protested against these idiots. Basic knowledge of political systems obviously escapes them, as fascism is a more apt description of what THEY want, state run business, than of what we want. Secondly, some other loser at a Chicago rally, was all right to get into a fight stating vigorously that “punching with my fists is NOT violence, violence is a baseball bat”. And these are the people that Obama is allying himself with. Do you really want a president who has more of an affinity to these thugs than Tea Party activists who simply want to bring some sanity back to this country.