SOTU Response Part 4: Government Of The Past


Obama made one interesting quote that I did want to mention:
We shouldn’t just give our people a government that’s more affordable. We should give them a government that’s more competent and efficient. We cannot win the future with a government of the past

Affordable? Yes, I can agree that we need government to be more affordable. The new “pocket-size” government that I’ve been mentioning on my podcast comes to mind.

Competent? Hardly. I can’t think of one thing that any government can do more competently than private industry can. Not one thing. Competence, as far as I’m concerned, is completely impossible from government. There is no such thing as competency in government, this is a pipe dream.

Efficient? What does that mean, exactly? That it can more effectively separate us from our hard earned money? That it does an even better job of suppressing free speech and free markets. Is Obama’s ideas of a more efficient government one that does its job of holding back the progress of the American people even more than this one can?

Past? And interesting thought. Obama’s policies are the “failed policies of the past”, but not the failed policies of OUR past governments, but the failed policies of other socialist regimes, like Greece, Ireland, Spain, Russia, etc. The “government of the past”, at least the American “government of the past” is a much, much smaller entity, far less invasive to our lives and pocketbooks, than the government of Obama’s supposed future.

I for one would love to live under an American “government of the past”, if that government were the same kind of government our founding fathers created.

This is Part 4 of my 6 Part Response to Obama's State of the Union Address. Read the other parts here: 123456