The Liberal Democrat Schoolgirl Crush On China

schoolgirlIf you’ve listened to my show for any length of time, you’ve probably heard my rantings on China, and the Democrats strange love for China.

I first noticed it when Hillary Diane Clinton came to the forefront as a possible Democratic presidential candidate. Back then, she used to talk effusively about how wonderful China was, and totally glossed over all of the murdering, torturing, and jailing of people who simply wanted to speak out, mostly in peaceful protest, against an all encompassing, all powerful, tyrannical state.

For some reason, Democrats seem to have this, oh I don’t know how to describe it other than a “schoolgirl crush” for China. I mean, usually a schoolgirl crush connotes this total subservience, complete longing, they can do no wrong attitude towards someone, forgetting all their faults and issues, even if they are major ones. Like women who fall for the “bad boy”, the Democrats would love to kiss China full on the lips if they could.

But I digress. I think the reason that they love China so much is that China, to them, is almost a perfect country: they would absolutely love us to be a lot more like them. They love that China is an economic engine, they love that China’s elites make tons of money, they love that the rest of the country lives in terrible poverty (they don’t care about those people) and one of the things that they love most of all is the state’s amazing ability to curb free speech. I think of all of the traits China has right now, the ability to suppress speech that criticizes the government is the thing that they are most passionate about bringing to America.

Of course, I have no idea how they reconcile their love for social freedoms which so much suppression, but I guess it the same kind of attitude that allows democrat women who are all for women’s rights, to support Islamic fundamentalists. Liberals can live with these kinds of dichotomies, but we can’t.

So just watch out: the Democrats love China so much that they would love to duplicate “China’s Success” here, even if it means the elites win and the rest of us live in grinding poverty. They don’t care much for “flyover country” anyways, do they?


Kevin J. Shutt said...

Wow. Love the headline. Says it all.