Keep Moving Forward AKA Don’t Impeach Obama

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="218" caption="Don't Impeach Obama"]impeachobama[/caption]

My personal motto is something I lifted from a Disney film (crazy eh?). The film, which did pretty well but wasn't a blockbuster by any means, was called Meet The Robinsons. since I’m a sucker for movies about inventors and inventing, this drew me in. The key motto of the company that the principal character founded was “Keep Moving Forward”, which apparently was a contraction of a much longer statement by Walt Disney, way back when.

Anyways, over the last year, we’ve seen some pretty serious damage done to this country, by powerful politicians, promising hope and change, but really just driving us back to more failed policies of the past, namely socialism, communism and fascism. Even though these systems have been proven not to work and are actually anti-ethical to humanity period, in the name of fairness, they all seem to be rehashed every so often.

In November, we pushed back against the radicals, and started to take our country back. Once we did, we get this tendency to punish those who drove us to this, to look back and investigate, charge, and even attempt to impeach those responsible. I say: forget it. Keep moving forward: undo the damage, keep your eyes on where we are going, and not where we’ve been. Pretty soon, all those responsible for this damage will be gone anyways.