895 - Obama's Memorial $1B Campaign Kickoff

[caption id="attachment_2567" align="alignright" width="159" caption="Disgusting."][/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • Disgusting. Obama uses the Tucson memorial service speech in order to launch his 2012 re-election campaign. He gives out t-shirts to the crowd, with his logo in his typeface. All thats missing were the balloons falling at the end to make this a campaign rally

  • Free speech is dying in this country. The current administration and nearly all of the mainstream media is complicit. They want to shut down all speech which does not toe the line. See You Can't Say Anything Anymore

  • Someone calls me with a survey on city services. So easy to answer these things as a libertarian: just apply the less taxes/less government filter on everything and you got your answer

  • Think about the word "public" for a second. Everything labelled "public" was built and is maintained by money stolen from you. Whenever you hear that word, you should flee.

  • Where can I go to whistleblow on the government?