902 - Egypt & America, Not So Different - Why Does Obama Need An Internet Kill Switch?

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On Today's Show:

  • Egypt & America: not so different. The turmoil in Egypt is very confusing. I try to explain my opinion on what is going on: I think that we have a legitimate reach for freedom here - at least it started out that way. Since then however, instead of the void being filled with freedom and democracy, there may be an even more repressive regime on the way, with a lot of promises of freedom and less government up front, with a strict Islamist bent on the back end. Where is the freedom? Most revolutions are to restore freedom, but where will it come from?

  • A bill is wending tis way through Congress which will give Obama, or any President for that matter, the ability to "kill" the internet. In the exact same way the internet was "killed" in Egypt, and how it was previously killed in China. Why would the President of the country where freedom of speech, religion and the press are enshrined in the highest law of the land, require an internet kill switch?


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