893 - Progressives Fall Over Themselves Blaming

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On Today's Show:

  • The progressives waste no time in jumping on this tragedy and using it for political ends

  • First "Crazy" Paul Krugman, immediately, despite the lack of any information, fantasizes about how Sarah Palin and the Tea Party caused the shooter to go off the deep end

  • Then, we have prominent Democrats expounding on how great an opportunity this is for Obama to reconnect with people, the same way Bill Clinton did after the Oklahoma City bombing. I mean, do these people know that everyone can hear what they are saying?

  • Rush comes out and says that Democrats use tragedy to further their agenda: uh yeah, they have been doing that forever, and news flash: its not just Democrats. Look at Bush, 9/1, the Patriot Act, and the two wars we are trying to get out of right now.

  • Turns out: he is a leftist. Maybe the reason all these progressives are jumping on the "blame the right" bandwagon so quickly is that they are trying to brand this guy a right wing nut job BEFORE the truth actually comes out.

  • Plus: death panels are a reality, ObamaCare in in the end will help no one.