No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement

[caption id="attachment_3236" align="alignright" width="150" caption="No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement"]
No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement[/caption]

No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement Last year over 1000 schools applied to “win” the privilege of having our lord and savior, Barack Hussein Obama, speak at their commencement ceremony , this year only 14 applications were received. I wonder why that is? I mean, how can someone go from a revered, inspirational figure, both nationally, and internationally (remember his speech in Berlin?) to one which no one wants to be associated with? The same was true prior to the last election, there were few very Democrats who wanted Obama to campaign with them. What a huge difference from a year earlier, where any association with him meant popularity and winning. These facts alone kind of indicate the kind of job he’s done and the type of leader he has been, don’t you think?


Chuck Jones said...

I've paid quite abit of attention to "BOHICA" obama since he hit the national scene. He is most likely the most unqualified person to ever live in the White House. The only thing he is good at is self promotion. For the first time in my adult life I am ashamed of and embarrassed by the executive branch of my government.