[caption id="attachment_3640" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Uniting Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives To Fight For Freedom"][/caption]
Some tell me that this is an impossible task: that there is no way that we can unite libertarians, Tea Partiers and conservatives. They are just too different. Well, I beg to differ: think of us as three overlapping circles: we do have a few common goals: and that is to reduce taxes, reduce government spending, reduce the size and scope of government, and keep it as much out of meddling in our live as possible. We may differ on personal issues, but on fiscal issues we all feel pretty much the same. Now is the time for us to unite and put our differences to the side. Now is the time for us to work together to fix the fiscal problems this country has, reduce the footprint of government, give the power back to the people. We can do it, but only if we work together: we need to quit this in-fighting among us: don’t you know that every time a conservative insults a Tea Partier, that the liberals laugh at us. Every time you are thinking about slamming one of the other of us, think about the peals of laughter from the liberals, who will gladly use these divisions to destroy us. Now is the time for us to stand strong and together. If we don’t we will lose to the Obama juggernaut again, and this country can’t take another four years of Obama. So for the sake of the greater good of this country, let’s all just get along, at least until we’ve won the Presidency again.
Uniting Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives To Fight For Freedom
on 3/10/11
Tea Party,
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