Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know.

[caption id="attachment_3230" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know."]Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know.[/caption]

Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know. One of the great things about our side is that we at least try to be civil. We think of ourselves as morally better than they, so when epithets are hurled at us, no matter how vile, we take them with resolve and fight back in a much more civil way, which indicates our more morally correct stature. This might be an issue. You have to remember that we are in the ring with a dirty fighter, someone who will have no hesitation breaking the rules in order to demolish us. They can’t attack us on the issues, so they will attack us personally, dig up anything that they can, jump on any flubs or mistakes we make, and press as hard as they can. Nothing is sacred: our families will be insulted, our businesses attacked. they will stop at nothing to win. And I say: we have to do the same. At least we have a honorable goal: restoring this republic. All they want is to expand their power. Personally, I believe that in order to win this time around, we have to fight fire with fire. The future of America is at stake.