My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 5: Mother Jones
on 3/14/11
After that, I went to Whole Foods to do some shopping. Previously, I never shopped at Whole Foods, as I was sure that their management was all lefty – until I read this great article in Reason Magazine about the founder of Whole Foods, and his libertarian leanings Since then, we’ve been shopping there regularly. Since they cater to lefty types, they carry a bunch of lefty magazines. I caught the cover of Mother Jones as I was heading to the cashier: the title was “The Superrich Are Eating America, Can Obama Save Us?” The unbelievable stupidity of that just floored me: a) the superrich are the ones which keep the economy going, they are rich because people gave them money for something they produced, not theft b) they still have faith that Obama can champion their cause (In my eyes he is simply another opportunistic politician looking out for himself – even progressives are unhappy with him) and c) that they feel that the government can “save us” from anything. It was the icing on the cake: after attempting to discuss issues with liberals all day, I gave up: these creatures simply do not have the capacity to understand and change, well at least most of them don’t.
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