Obama: It Would Be So Much Easier To Be President Of China

[caption id="attachment_3660" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama China"]Obama China[/caption]

Usually Obama is pretty careful about overt discussions of his longing so be a dictator instead of an elected official. He actually said “it would be so much easier to be President of China” recently, a few months ago he was bemoaning the fact that “I am not King, there’s Congress” etc. Of course he would prefer to be President of China, and by extension, would probably prefer that something like the Chinese system of government to ours. Prominent Democrats over the years have voiced similar opinions, and I’ve raised these issues before on my show: Democrats would love the capitalist socialism of China to be brought here: Hillary has ogled China as well. With its churning factories and low wages, oppression and suppression, turning America into China is every liberals wet dream – as long as they are part of the ruling elite and the unwashed masses between the left and right coast become the factory workers. Yes, China gives liberals the best of all possible worlds: tons of money for the elites, and no more chatty radio talk show hosts like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin or me stirring up the pot.