[caption id="attachment_2690" align="alignright" width="150" caption="When We Fall, The World Rises"][/caption]
The reason that China, Russia and India are on the rise is not because they are doing things right when it comes to perpetrating a capitalist mindset, it is mostly because we are doing everything wrong when it comes to maintaining our leadership in the world. It’s been proven, time and time again, that what Barack Hussein Obama is doing does not help. Every action that he has taken since he has become President has not supported America, but has made us weaker. The Obama Administration, with its hateful attitude towards commerce, capitalism and the military, has systematically “taken us down – more than a few pegs”, which then, coupled with his weakness and timidity when it comes to foreign policy, has emboldened other countries to “tread on us”. Do you really think that if we had a stronger President in office, one who kept our economy strong by supporting business and capitalism domestically and by supporting democracy and capitalism outside our borders, there would be ANY talk of the American dollar’s “reign” being at an end? No. The only reason we are still in these dire straits, and that the rest of the world feels emboldened to take these steps to take us down, is wholly due to the actions of Barack Hussein Obama. The rest of the world is “feeling their oats”, so to speak, and taking action while we are down, because when the next President steps up to the plate, it will be a whole new ball game. We’d better make sure that that President can knock it out of the park – not like the bunter, Obama.
When We Fall, The World Rises
on 3/3/11
Barack Obama,
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