No Star Trek Future From Obama

[caption id="attachment_3559" align="alignright" width="150" caption="No Star Trek Future From Obama"]No Star Trek Future From Obama[/caption]

No Star Trek future from Obama: Over the weekend, I came across an old film of a Star Trek convention in New York City in 1973 – boy did all those actors look young. I myself remember attending a Star Trek convention in Toronto in 1976. Then, as now, people dressed up in costumes, acted out their fantasies of being members of alien races, and looked to a brighter future of collaboration, and color and race blindness – it didn’t matter if you were black, white, Asian or Vulcan, everyone in the Star Trek future worked together. (And even, if Kirk has anything to do with it, slept togetherWinking smile )It was envisioned by Gene Roddenberry to be a post racial time. If you look at the process of race relations since the late 60s, you can see great progress towards that kind of color blind society. One would think that the ascension of a multiracial leader like Barack Hussein Obama, and his initial “post racial” stance prior to his election would take us even further towards that goal of equal opportunity. Alas, it was not to be, since with his actions, Obama has proven himself to turn back the clock on race relations, instead of accelerating it towards that diverse future.