How Do Rich Liberals Keep Their Heads From Exploding?

[caption id="attachment_3566" align="alignright" width="150" caption="How Do Rich Liberals Keep Their Heads From Exploding?"]How Do Rich Liberals Keep Their Heads From Exploding?[/caption]

How do rich liberals keep their heads from exploding? I mean, seriously, I have no idea. When a rich liberal denounces the rich, then gets into their stretch limo and drives away, how can they reconcile these two notions? I mean, when a true conservative or libertarian makes a statement, that statement is usually in line with their morality. Liberals have this uncanny ability to be completely hypocritical, and not only do they seem to have no trouble doing it, they are also never called on it. It’s like everyone EXPECTS a liberal to say one thing and do another, to break their word, and be morally relativistic, whereas the rest of us are held to a higher standard. Who would you rather have leading this nation: someone to says one thing and does another, or someone who’s deeds are in line with their words? If you ask me, that’s the least we can get from our leaders, no matter which side that they are on.