And The Oscar For Worst President Ever Goes To…

[caption id="attachment_3409" align="alignright" width="150" caption="And The Oscar For Worst President Goes To..."]And The Oscar For Worst President Goes To...[/caption]

On the heels of the Oscars, I was wondering, can we finally award  the Oscar for Worst President Ever to our current Commander-In-Chief. Has he not done more to take down this country that anyone before him? Seriously, if we look back over all 44 presidents, I think we can make a good case that we really are living under the regime of the Worst President Ever. Lets look at the facts:

  1. Has any President spent as much money as this one?

  2. Has any President raised taxes as much as this one?

  3. Has any President had less regard, been so cold, callous and unfeeling towards the people of this country than this one?

  4. Has any President been as anti-business as this one?

  5. Has any President been as much of a non-believer in American exceptionalism as this one?

  6. Has any President previously worked to undermine the Governor of a State government, as much as he has worked to undermine Scott Walker in Wisconsin?

  7. Has any President gone on as many vacations as this one during a recession where the unemployment rate has been this high?

  8. Has any President been so actively a follower when events occur on the world stage which require immediate action?

I think the Oscar goes to Barack Hussein Obama, for worst President of all time, so far.