2008 Was Nothing: Mainstream Media To Go All Out For Obama In 2012: Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3585" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Mainstream Media Out In Force For Obama"]Mainstream Media Out In Force For Obama[/caption]

2008 Was Nothing: Mainstream Media To Go All Out For Obama In 2012: did you think that the mainstream media went all out in order to try to present Obama in a wonderful light in 2008 in order to get him elected? Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Back in 2008, he was less of a known quantity, and was riding two waves: one of white liberal guilt, and one of a neocon opponent, who no one really had the stomach for. It will be much harder to reelect Obama next year, since we know he is a extreme liberal socialist, so the mainstream media and the Obama campaign will need to double, triple their efforts in order to tear his opponents down. I predict that this time around, the manpower that will be unleashed against Obama’s opponent(s) will be epic.


Tek Jansen said...

In what conceivable way can you possibly consider Obama an "extreme liberal socialist"? He has allowed tax cuts to continue, continued Bush pro-corporate policy of bailing out Wall St., continued wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not prosecuted ANYONE for torture or domestic spying, promoted a republican health care plan which benefitted the insurance industry, and the list goes on... about the only thing he has done differently is try to get the EPA to actually control toxic emissions. His support for START was the same as Reagans, too. This is just the same old silly rhetoric without and substance.

If he WERE a liberal you would have seen Bush and Cheney brought up on charges with Ashcroft and Rumsfeld. You would have seen a SINGLE PAYER or "public option" you would have seen a RETURN to tax rates of GASP 15 years ago. I mean COME ON!