My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 5: Mother Jones

After that, I went to Whole Foods to do some shopping. Previously, I never shopped at Whole Foods, as I was sure that their management was all lefty – until I read this great article in Reason Magazine about the founder of Whole Foods, and his libertarian leanings Since then, we’ve been shopping there regularly. Since they cater to lefty types, they carry a bunch of lefty magazines. I caught the cover of Mother Jones as I was heading to the cashier: the title was “The Superrich Are Eating America, Can Obama Save Us?” The unbelievable stupidity of that just floored me: a) the superrich are the ones which keep the economy going, they are rich because people gave them money for something they produced, not theft b) they still have faith that Obama can champion their cause (In my eyes he is simply another opportunistic politician looking out for himself – even progressives are unhappy with him) and c) that they feel that the government can “save us” from anything. It was the icing on the cake: after attempting to discuss issues with liberals all day, I gave up: these creatures simply do not have the capacity to understand and change, well at least most of them don’t.

My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 4

In the end, most everyone on HuffPo was not interested in any logical fact or argument Pretty much all of the people I talked to had basically taken their ability to think and reason, put it on a shelf, and just walk in lockstep with the talking points of the progressive Democrats. It was sad, actually. After this, I was thinking, they are not really an enemy, I can’t really hold any hatred for them, they are really more to be pitied. An enemy is one you can hate since they really do have malice towards you, for example like a terrorist who kills or enjoys killing. These people are more misguided and lazy: its tough to think, its difficult to reason: its much easier to shelve that and just let some politician tell you that they will take care of everything and everything will be alright.

My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 3

[caption id="attachment_3687" align="alignright" width="150" caption="My Visit To Left Wing Land"]My Visit To Left Wing Land[/caption]

As usual, I got the “you are a hateful Bush lover” insults, asking where the Tea Party and Libertarians were while Bush was wrecking things: I replied that libertarians had always been around (I mean the libertarian party has been around since 1971, libertarian thought since before America was formed) and never really liked Bush either. He may have been fine for the first little while, but after 9/11, all that changed. Plus the Tea Party formed mostly in response to the Bush bailouts, and simply continued during the Obama bailouts. The old saw, that the Tea Party was organized by corporate interests, was hauled out yet again, and I countered with “you really think corporations are behind a movement which slams corporate handouts?” Plus corporations are about as bad as governments when it comes to conspiracy, I doubt that they have the ability to pull one off.

My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 2

[caption id="attachment_3687" align="alignright" width="150" caption="My Visit To Left Wing Land"]My Visit To Left Wing Land[/caption]

After that, the discourse was rocking: however I noticed the exact same thing as I get from liberals everywhere: that they have a completely closed mind, that they are not open to any kind of fact and argument, that they simply repeat talking points over and over again. In addition, they are really a bunch of whiny little brats. In fact, one the first responses was “wahh, this blog isn’t like it used to be” (well, I added the “wahh”). I guess HuffPo was a nice safe place for these people to live in their own little world, far far away from reason and reality, and us big bad conservatives came in there to ruin their day. Aw, doesn’t free speech suck? I guess for these people it does: all they ever wanted to hear was their party line, and there was really no reasoning with them.

My Visit To Left Wing Land, Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3687" align="alignright" width="150" caption="My Visit To Left Wing Land"]My Visit To Left Wing Land[/caption]

I’ve been purposely staying away from places like the Huffington Post because I can’t really stand not only the slant of the publication, but the shrill tone of the articles. However this weekend, I noticed an article by Andrew Brietbart, of Big Government fame, on there, regarding the NPR sting, where they slammed the Tea Party for being racist. His article indicated that this was a win for the Tea Party, as this just made NPR look like idiots. So I commented, mentioning how I believed that the Tea Party looks at things from a purely fiscal perspective, and simply wants to reduce taxes for everyone. What did I get for my factual and reasoned argument: a one line insult. So I responded with, well I thought I might get some reasoned discourse on here, but I guess I was mistaken. After that the ball was rolling: I actually got a number of other readers fanning me on there.

Obama Jokes And Golfs, While The World Is Aflame

[caption id="attachment_3685" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama Golfing"]Obama Golfing[/caption]

I don’t know about you, but instead of joking and golfing this weekend, I, and probably most Americans, spent the weekend with our eyes glued to the televisions and the internet, while reports of the devastation in Japan were coming through. I didn’t really have it in my heart to attend a dinner, joking and laughing with journalists and fellow politicians at Gridiron. I didn’t then go golfing: I ‘d feel bad enjoying myself like that when there were tens of thousands of people suffering in Japan. Of course, our President is not troubled by such things. like most liberals, he has the uncanny ability to completely ignore and compartmentalize any suffering in the world other than his own. Like most narcissists, he exists to further only his own pleasure. He has no empathy whatsoever, be it for the suffering Japanese, Libyans, Egyptians, or those Americans on the unemployment line. I don’t know about you but empathy is a trait I feel a President needs to do the job. Again, he’s not a good fit, and come 2012, let’s fire him.

Must Everything The Mainstream Media Report Be Biased?

[caption id="attachment_3683" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Media Bias"]Media Bias[/caption]

Amid the devastation in Japan, it seems that all reporting must now be politicized by the mainstream media. As the earthquake and tsunami swept over Japan, pundits blamed man-made global warming – although how global warming can be connected to an earthquake is beyond me. As the nuclear plants begin to fail due to the earthquake, possibly leading to meltdown, pundits decried nuclear power. In fact, the nuclear scientists have spoken up, saying that the mainstream media is purposely reporting far worse conditions in order to help foster panic about nuclear power. Somedays it seems like they wont be happy until we are riding our bikes to a farm for work. What kind of society would be ideal for these people? Amish? 7th century Islam? I mean, how much of our modern civilization would they strip back in order to map to their fanatical ideology? Or do they just want us paying for the privilege of living in the modern world.

921 - Japan Eathquake - Nature Wins - My HuffPo Visit

[caption id="attachment_3672" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Japan Earthquake Tsunami - Nature Wins - My HuffPo Visit"]Japan Earthquake Tsunami - Nature Wins - My HuffPo Visit[/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • The devastation in Japan: earthquake followed by tsunami. My heart goes out to everyone there. One moment, we are living our lives, feeling fully in control of everything, believing that we have mastered this plant, the next, nature contradicts us. How can we ever believe that we truly have any kind of power over the brute force of this planet?

  • I visit the Huffington Post and other liberal blogs over the weekend to see what its like over there. It's actually a lot of fun to poke at liberals, didn't realize what a bunch of whiny babies they were. They HATED any kind of dissent, whined and insulted anyone who tried to have a reasoned debate instead of walking in lockstep with their world vision.

The Left's Idea Of Civility: "you will be killed"

[caption id="attachment_3338" align="alignright" width="150" caption="The Left's Idea Of Civility"]The Left's Idea Of Civility[/caption]

This is apparently how to win friends and influence people, union style:
Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit

that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.

via "Please put your things in order because you will be killed" (Wizbang).

Obama: It Would Be So Much Easier To Be President Of China

[caption id="attachment_3660" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama China"]Obama China[/caption]

Usually Obama is pretty careful about overt discussions of his longing so be a dictator instead of an elected official. He actually said “it would be so much easier to be President of China” recently, a few months ago he was bemoaning the fact that “I am not King, there’s Congress” etc. Of course he would prefer to be President of China, and by extension, would probably prefer that something like the Chinese system of government to ours. Prominent Democrats over the years have voiced similar opinions, and I’ve raised these issues before on my show: Democrats would love the capitalist socialism of China to be brought here: Hillary has ogled China as well. With its churning factories and low wages, oppression and suppression, turning America into China is every liberals wet dream – as long as they are part of the ruling elite and the unwashed masses between the left and right coast become the factory workers. Yes, China gives liberals the best of all possible worlds: tons of money for the elites, and no more chatty radio talk show hosts like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin or me stirring up the pot.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Tweets Prove Internet Kill Switch Attack On Free Speech

[caption id="attachment_3658" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Tweets Prove Internet Kill Switch Attack On Free Speech"]Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Tweets Prove Internet Kill Switch Attack On Free Speech[/caption]

As I write this, a major (8.9) quake has hit Japan, killing many there and causing tsunami warnings all over the Pacific. My deepest condolences for this horrible tragedy, and I hope that those trapped are found swiftly, possibly even with the help of Twitter.

As soon as the quake hit, the first wave of information regarding the quake hit the rest of the world via Twitter. That’s right folks: it wasn’t CNN, MSNBC or Fox News: word of this earthquake and tsunami spread first through individuals on the ground in Japan, experiencing the quake personally.

It was basically crowdsourced news. The first tweets hit twitter just as it happened, and within a half hour, it was a top trending term. There was an emergency somewhere in the world, and the first route to information is the internet.

Now imagine Barack Obama sitting in the Oval Office with a big internet kill switch on his desk. Pressing this button would basically shut down the internet: no one would be able to reach any website or service, Facebook, Google, Twitter would all be dead. Now why would Obama ever have a need to kill all internet communications in the event of an emergency?

I mean, during a crisis, we depend more than ever on the internet and services like Twitter, which also use SMS, to get the news regarding the crisis, and how it might affect us. Trapped victims can also use Twitter to report on thier location - loved ones can use Twitter to tell their friends and families that they are OK.

Unless, of course, the emergency were one of suppressing our inviolable right to speak, as encoded in the Constitution. It makes no sense to “kill” the internet, unless its spreading a message the government does not want you to hear.

Uniting Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives To Fight For Freedom

[caption id="attachment_3640" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Uniting Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives To Fight For Freedom"]Uniting Libertarians, Tea Partiers and Conservatives To Fight For Freedom[/caption]

Some tell me that this is an impossible task: that there is no way that we can unite libertarians, Tea Partiers and conservatives. They are just too different. Well, I beg to differ: think of us as three overlapping circles: we do have a few common goals: and that is to reduce taxes, reduce government spending, reduce the size and scope of government, and keep it as much out of meddling in our live as possible. We may differ on personal issues, but on fiscal issues we all feel pretty much the same. Now is the time for us to unite and put our differences to the side. Now is the time for us to work together to fix the fiscal problems this country has, reduce the footprint of government, give the power back to the people. We can do it, but only if we work together: we need to quit this in-fighting among us: don’t you know that every time a conservative insults a Tea Partier, that the liberals laugh at us. Every time you are thinking about slamming one of the other of us, think about the peals of laughter from the liberals, who will gladly use these divisions to destroy us. Now is the time for us to stand strong and together. If we don’t we will lose to the Obama juggernaut again, and this country can’t take another four years of Obama. So for the sake of the greater good of this country, let’s all just get along, at least until we’ve won the Presidency again.

Lowering, Not Increasing, Taxes Increases State Revenues

[caption id="attachment_3642" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Lowering, Not Increasing, Taxes Increases State Revenues"]Lowering, Not Increasing, Taxes Increases State Revenues[/caption]

One of the things I learned from economics (if not from Econ 101, something pretty close to that) is that one of the worst things that the government can do when its in a financial crunch as we are today, is to raise taxes in order to cover shortfall. You guys know that I have advocated and continue to advocate deep spending cuts: we can’t afford not to. However, even with these cuts, we still have to raise enough revenue for the state to keep services going until we can privatize them. The shortsighted and wrong view would be to raise taxes to cover that shortfall. This won’t work, and will frankly make things worse, as business will hire less, shut down, and people will spend less. The trick is to REDUCE taxes. Once taxes are reduced, then businesses will expand and hire, people will buy more, and overall tax revenues will rise. Unfortunately, this runs contrary to the ideals of this administration, who are happy to start and run class wars which never existed here, so I bet that we won’t see taxes come down anytime soon.

Fear Of An Obama Juggernaut?

[caption id="attachment_3638" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Fear Of An Obama Juggernaut?"]Fear Of An Obama Juggernaut?[/caption]

Is there a fear, on the GOP side, of another Obama juggernaut? I’m getting a little concerned about the lack of anyone on the GOP side making a strong declaration to run for President yet. I wonder what the delay is? My gut tells me that despite the fact that Obama has done more to derail America than any other past President, the politics of guilt, race and likability, not to mention the billion dollar campaign, will be a very tough thing to fight. I’m sensing that this is why no one has really stepped up strongly to declare their intentions to run.

We have to remember that in every poll so far, Americans say that they “like” Obama, though God know why, but they don’t like his policies. Well, that’s the message then. While the Obama campaign will start with the hateful, personal attacks (they’ve already started), both overt and covert via the mainstream media, we have to focus on the policies he has enacted which are taking us to the brink of ruin: as well as the burdensome taxation which will have to come down the pipe in order to support these initiatives. As long as we focus on the fiscal, then we should have a strong case.

Another Day, Another Gas Price Increase

[caption id="attachment_3636" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Another Day, Another Gas Price Increase"]Another Day, Another Gas Price Increase[/caption]

I was at the pump again yesterday morning, noticed that the price of gas had gone up another 10 cents since I fill it up last, just a mere few days ago. Well, I guess its still way below what Obama wants us to pay for gas, so that’s probably why he isn’t doing anything about it, like releasing more areas to be drilled on our own soil. Apparently, we don’t subscribe to the “drill, baby, drill” policy (yes, its true someone in the Obama admin – I think it was the energy secretary – actually said that), so our gas prices have a long way to rise before they get to where Obama feels they might be something he should do something about. This simply further underscores his feeling towards Americans, which range from utter disregard to contempt. Why I think he’s back on the golf course again right now, enjoying his day, while we work hard so that he can have these days, and we have to do without them.

Oh BTW, looks like Obama is calling a press conference to discuss this. How much do you want to bet that it will be the same story over again: renewable blah blah blah. He has no concern for us, whatsoever.

Libya: Who Will Do Something?

[caption id="attachment_3384" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Libya: Who Will Do Something?"]Libya: Who Will Do Something?[/caption]

At last look, the carnage in Libya continues. Muammar Gaddafi continues to rain death upon his own people. He is ready, willing and able to run a protracted civil war, pitting tanks and guns against unarmed civilians. It’s going from a civil war to a massacre. We, the American people, feel for the Libyans. We wish we could do something – we wish we could help overthrow this tyrannical leader and bring peace back to your country. But our leader, no our leader is soft. He is weak. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence of people suffering and dying, he delays decisions. When he does respond, he responds meekly. This man is not the leader we want. This man does not represent us. So Sarkozy is stepping up in Europe, and saying and doing what Barack Obama should have done all along, but is too weak to do. With luck, at least some leaders out there care enough about the Libyan people to do something about it.

Saudi police open fire at protest

Saudi police open fire at protest
Saudi police open fire at protest

Saudi police open fire at protest. The call for freedom and democracy is resonating throughout the world. We need to do what we can to support the people who are under the thumb of these oppressive regimes, and not the regimes themselves, which we have done for far too long. Now is the time for us to come out in support of the people. It's doubtful that Obama will do anything, lest it appear that America is strong, or that he really knows anything about foreign policy, or that he says or does anything to rile up the Saudis, which we have been supporting for so long. I think it would be a nice change if we were to support the people, and not the regime, for a change. Well, at least we know that the American people support protests against tyranny and for freedom, even if our royal POTUS doesn't.

Governor Walker Passes Union Bill

[caption id="attachment_3633" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Governor Walker Passes Union Bill"]Governor Walker Passes Union Bill[/caption]

And its about time, Governor Walker finally passes the union bill which gets rid of collective bargaining. I’d argue its long past due: with teachers being out of school for weeks, union thugs practically destroying Madison, Democrat lawmakers (or should that be law-breakers) even going so far as to flee the state in order to not have to vote on this bill, this conflict has gone on far too long, and Governor Walker has shown way too much compassion for these people. This is an issue which plagues us a bit on this side: while they will go to any lengths to win, we try to be civil And the result what happened in Wisconsin. We have to just understand that these people will not listen to reason, and therefore should treat them like children, and decisions should come quickly. But I digress. We’ve won in Wisconsin, now we need to bring this fight to the rest of the country and eventually de-fang public sector unions everywhere.

Let's Stop Calling Them "Social Issues"

[caption id="attachment_3622" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Let's Stop Calling Them "Social Issues""]Let's Stop Calling Them "Social Issues"[/caption]

I’d like to make a modest proposal when it comes to the things that we call “social issues”. Some of the political issues which come under that banner are things like gay marriage, abortion, personal drug use, development and consumption of pornographic and violent media, promotion of a specific political viewpoints etc. I think you know what I’m talking about: its basically the issues that truly keep libertarians, Tea Partiers and conservatives from uniting. We have those who believe in “social freedom” and those who believe in “social conservatism”. For the purposes of this article, I’m not leaning in either direction. However I do have something to say about the naming and involvement in either of those.

Simply put: most of these issues are not really “social”, they do not truly affect the society at large, they are largely '”personal”. For example, if a same sex couple wishes to marry and live together down the street, it does not affect the rest of the neighborhood or society. Thus gay marriage is not a “social issue”, it is a “personal issue”. The same goes for personal drug, pornography, violent media consumption or political beliefs: all of these are “personally” consumed, not socially consumed. If someone the next block over wishes to play a violent video game, or indulge in  a recreational drug, be it marijuana or alcohol, it is that person, not the society, which is affected. Unless there is a socialized health care system where everyone has a financial stake in the health of everyone around us, then I don’t really care how many beers someone has, as long as they don’t jump into a car drunk and do some damage to others. But we already have laws for that.

Health care and abortion can be argued are the most “personal” of the social issues discussed. The decisions regarding either of these issues should be restricted to the immediate family and trusted health care providers. The state, and the rest of society, really have little say in the matter. Just as if you wouldn’t want anyone else other than yourself and your immediate family to make decisions about your health, you shouldn’t expect to make decisions regarding others health.

So here is my modest proposal: instead of calling these “social issues” lets try calling them “personal issues” which is, in reality, closer to what they really and truly are. So think about it: the next time you talk about the “social issue” of gay marriage, think of it as a “personal issue”. If you think of it as a personal issue as opposed to a social issue, then you have to see how meddling in peoples personal issues is not right. In the same way you wouldn’t want people poking their noses into your personal issues, you should not expect to have the ability, either directly or via that state, to poke your nose into theirs.

NPR Needs To Be Defunded And Privatized, Right Now

[caption id="attachment_3595" align="alignright" width="150" caption="NPR Needs To Be Defunded And Privatized, Right Now"]NPR Needs To Be Defunded And Privatized, Right Now[/caption]

Even though its not a huge chunk of budget, I believe that we need to immediately spin out – or privatize (which I guess is the public version of “spin out”)- NPR, PBS, and any other media properties which the state is currently funding. This is not just in response to one of the heads at NPR calling the Tea Party racist (boy, I have to tell you that I’m getting really sick and tired of these liberals throwing around the term racism when the Tea Party movement is purely FISCAL, and fiscal issue affect everyone regardless of skin color) but for two reasons a) we can’t afford to pay for them anymore and b) it’s just not right for the state to force people to fund, via taxpayers money, promotions of viewpoints that they disagree with. How would a gay marriage activist feel if the government started promoting straight marriage? See what I mean? If you ask me, ones political views are personal issues as well, and if people wish to spend money promoting their beliefs, then more power to them Just don’t steal my money and use it to promote ideals I DO NOT believe it.

Throw Enough Money At Something It Will Magically Start Working

[caption id="attachment_3055" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Throw Enough Money At Something It Will Magically Start Working"]Throw Enough Money At Something It Will Magically Start Working[/caption]

I’m telling you these Democrats have a great imagination. Somehow they think that if they throw enough money at something it will magically start working, that it will hit some magic tipping point, and suddenly turn around. It seems to be the answer for everything: Obama, knowing the horrific financial straits that we are in, just asked for more money for education. Again, instead of fixing a system which is broken (mostly due to the two constituents who have the least to do with actually educating a child – unions and the state) they simply just throw more money at it. It is not going to just repair itself at some magic figure – the money flow needs to first be stopped dead, then these systems need to be torn apart, fixed and/or dumped (privatized). More money is just masking problems and making them worse.

Has Anyone Been Denied An ObamaCare Waiver?

[caption id="attachment_3618" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Has Anyone Been Denied An ObamaCare Waiver?"]Has Anyone Been Denied An ObamaCare Waiver?[/caption]

This is a good question: has anyone been denied an ObamaCare Waiver? Rush Limbaugh the other day said that this may be being done on purpose in order to force ObamaCare to fail, so that we would need to bring in a single payer system. I think that there might be some truth to that: the Obama administration just granted a waiver to the entire state of Maine. So it got me wondering: has anyone, so far, been denied a waiver for ObamaCare? I mean, that would be a key indicator that the originators of the legislation never intended it to be a success or even really work: if there are enough waivers granted, then there is no way the plan can be funded, and will there do down in defeat. Whereupon the Obama administration will likely throw its hands up, say “we tried” and begin to draft single-payer legislation.

A Horrible Prediction

[caption id="attachment_3605" align="alignright" width="150" caption="A HORRIBLE PREDICTION!!!"]A HORRIBLE PREDICTION!!![/caption]

I’ve had this horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach: as a futurist (yes that is my day job) I look at the signs (no, not like a psychic), indicators and build scenarios of possible futures. And today, I‘ve decided to go public with a horrible prediction from the Official Future Hall Of Predictions: much as I don’t want this prediction to come true: looking at everything that I’m seeing today, I predict that Obama will win re-election. The signs are all there: a weak Republican field, an administration manipulating events in order to allow any real recovery to occur closer to the election, a President with a ridiculous amount of money and supporters in the mainstream media: any message other than his will be drowned out. Couple that with the extreme nastiness which will be forced upon any candidate who goes up against him, add in a resurgence of white guilt, and it will be an extremely hard slog to beat him. But boy, I hope this prediction is wrong. I don’t think America can take another 4 years, in fact not another 4 days of this administration.

Trump For President? Part 3: Just Say No.

[caption id="attachment_3609" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Trump For President? Part 3: Just Say No."]Trump For President? Part 3: Just Say No.[/caption]

Just Say No To Trump: you know I have no idea what I was smoking when I suggested that Donald Trump would be a decent candidate for the Presidency. I mean I always has a strange gut feeling about the guy, that he often played both sides against the middle, I even thought that he supported Obama in the last election (he came out for McCain). Still, I felt uneasy about the guy. As it turns out that unease turned out to be well founded: according to a Facebook post by Mark Levin, pointing to a site which outlines political contributions, he threw a lot of money at both R and D over the years. Then I saw Chuck Shumer on that list. That’s when I knew that, uh no. Please accept my apologies for those last two posts. I have no idea what I was thinking. Which is usually how my show works: I typically have no idea what I’m saying Winking smile

920 - NO To Trump - Cowboy Poetry - A HORRIBLE Prediction

[caption id="attachment_3605" align="alignright" width="150" caption="A HORRIBLE PREDICTION!!!"]A HORRIBLE PREDICTION!!![/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • My apologies: I have no idea what I was smoking when I had the fleeting though that Trump might be a decent candidate. One look at his political contributions (Thanks to Mark Levine for pointing it out) and one can easily see that he's basically greased whatever government palm he's need to - R or D, in order to push his agenda. Seeing Chuck Shumer on there was the clincher for me. No to Trump!

  • Yes, folks, we actually pay for someone to write cowboy poetry. This is just one of the millions of things we waste money on. What a great example for Harry Reid to bring up, on what a waste it is. We have to stop this and I'd bet 99% of the government programs out there.

  • Has any company or state been denied an ObamaCare waiver? I bet not.

  • I make a horrible, horrible prediction. I don't think I can even mention it in print, its so horrible.

Trump For President? Part 2

[caption id="attachment_3113" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Trump For President?"]Trump For President?[/caption]

The only caveat I would think is that as a fairly public figure, I’m sure that he has a ton of skeletons in the closet that he may not wish to be revealed, and as I mentioned in a previous post, I’m sure that there will be legions of media, Obama supporters, and paid Obama agents who will unearth every possible bit of dirt that they can on him. Maybe he can weather that storm. He definitely has the resources and the name recognition. I wonder though if, like Howard Stern, who at one point wanted to run for the Governorship of New York state, decided to pull out of the race because he would have had to disclose all of his financial dealings, that there is some damning fact in Trumps past which would make him unelectable.

Trump For President? Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3296" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Trump For President?"]Trump For President?[/caption]

The last I saw Donald Trump, he was giving a rousing speech at the CPAC conference, which I reported on back when it happened. It was memorable for a few reasons: one, I had always thought of him as more of a neocon, or rightist Democrat, so I was a bit surprised to see him at CPAC of all places, and secondly, he came out with a statement which really riled up the Ron Paul supporters in the audience: he basically just spoke the truth that Ron Paul had zero chance of becoming President. I like Trump: maybe what we need is a businessman and not a politician to take the reigns for a bit and turn things in the right direction. At least, unlike Romney, he has no socialized healthcare system in his past to haunt him.

Gangster Government

[caption id="attachment_3574" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Gangster Government"]Gangster Government[/caption]

I don’t really understand all of the hubbub around the term Gangster Government, which was being used by Michelle Bachmann over the last few days to describe the regime of Barack Obama. I’ve said as much myself: the corrupt thuggery of Chicago politics forms the major backbone of this administration: you see the same kind of intimidation, payola and implied violence that apparently thrives in Chicago, now rolled out nationally. Bachmann also questions Obama commitment to the ideals of American, I think goes so far as calling him un-American. If you ask me, by his words and deeds, he IS being very un-American, and I applaud Bachmann for coming out and being honest and forthright in her opinions. For far too long, we have been too silent and too civil on these issues. When we see our own President dismantling America from the inside out, we have to step up, speak up, and push back. Gangster government, if you ask me, is a pretty apt when it comes to describing the current ruling denizens.

NPR Should Get No More Taxpayer Funding

[caption id="attachment_3595" align="alignright" width="150" caption="NPR Should Get No More Taxpayer Funding"]NPR Should Get No More Taxpayer Funding[/caption]

Yes: NPR should get no more taxpayer funding. It's beyond time NPR and PBS were spun off to fend for themselves. There is no need or room for any kind of public broadcasting any longer. I personally am sick and tired of my hard earned tax dollars going to promote viewpoints which I completely disagree with. If there truly is enough demand for this programming, then I say throw it out into the private market and we'll see if it can survive. Nows the time to pare our government back down to its core principles, and I highly doubt that public broadcasting would have been part of the founders vision, even if it were around back then.

The congressional effort to end federal funding for NPR received new impetus Tuesday after a video surfaced of an executive who was the public-radio network's top fundraising official when he made controversial remarks about Republicans, conservatives and the Tea Party movement.

via NPR Should Get No More Taxpayer Funding: House GOP's Cantor : It's All Politics : NPR.

Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know.

[caption id="attachment_3230" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know."]Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know.[/caption]

Enough With The Civility: They Fight Dirty, You Know. One of the great things about our side is that we at least try to be civil. We think of ourselves as morally better than they, so when epithets are hurled at us, no matter how vile, we take them with resolve and fight back in a much more civil way, which indicates our more morally correct stature. This might be an issue. You have to remember that we are in the ring with a dirty fighter, someone who will have no hesitation breaking the rules in order to demolish us. They can’t attack us on the issues, so they will attack us personally, dig up anything that they can, jump on any flubs or mistakes we make, and press as hard as they can. Nothing is sacred: our families will be insulted, our businesses attacked. they will stop at nothing to win. And I say: we have to do the same. At least we have a honorable goal: restoring this republic. All they want is to expand their power. Personally, I believe that in order to win this time around, we have to fight fire with fire. The future of America is at stake.

2008 Was Nothing: Mainstream Media To Go All Out For Obama In 2012: Part 2

[caption id="attachment_3585" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Mainstream Media Out In Force For Obama"]Mainstream Media Out In Force For Obama[/caption]

There will be teams of people hired to uncover whatever information they need in order to do this damage. These people are the dirtiest fighters in the world. In that way, they have a lot of similarity to terrorist groups like Al Qaeda. They will stop at nothing to crush their opponents. If you thought that the mainstream media had dropped any pretense of objectivism back in 2008, this will be far worse. The stakes are much higher, the task will be much harder, so they will have to be even more obviously firmly in Obama’s camp than ever. This time, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind that they support him, you’ll see endorsements in nearly every paper (they’ve probably already started writing them), on all of the main networks as well as cable news networks, (except for Fox News of course), as well as liberal blogs like the Huffington Post, The Daily Beast and the Daily Kos.  Let’s hope that this will put the final nails in the coffin of the liberal media.

2008 Was Nothing: Mainstream Media To Go All Out For Obama In 2012: Part 1

[caption id="attachment_3585" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Mainstream Media Out In Force For Obama"]Mainstream Media Out In Force For Obama[/caption]

2008 Was Nothing: Mainstream Media To Go All Out For Obama In 2012: did you think that the mainstream media went all out in order to try to present Obama in a wonderful light in 2008 in order to get him elected? Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Back in 2008, he was less of a known quantity, and was riding two waves: one of white liberal guilt, and one of a neocon opponent, who no one really had the stomach for. It will be much harder to reelect Obama next year, since we know he is a extreme liberal socialist, so the mainstream media and the Obama campaign will need to double, triple their efforts in order to tear his opponents down. I predict that this time around, the manpower that will be unleashed against Obama’s opponent(s) will be epic.

No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement

[caption id="attachment_3236" align="alignright" width="150" caption="No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement"]
No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement[/caption]

No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement Last year over 1000 schools applied to “win” the privilege of having our lord and savior, Barack Hussein Obama, speak at their commencement ceremony , this year only 14 applications were received. I wonder why that is? I mean, how can someone go from a revered, inspirational figure, both nationally, and internationally (remember his speech in Berlin?) to one which no one wants to be associated with? The same was true prior to the last election, there were few very Democrats who wanted Obama to campaign with them. What a huge difference from a year earlier, where any association with him meant popularity and winning. These facts alone kind of indicate the kind of job he’s done and the type of leader he has been, don’t you think?

919 - Civility - Gangster Government - GOP Field

[caption id="attachment_3574" align="alignright" width="150" caption="919 - Civility - Gangster Government - GOP Field"]919 - Civility - Gangster Government - GOP Field[/caption]

919 - Civility - Gangster Government - GOP Field: On Today's Show:

  • We need less civility, not more. The liberals seem to have no trouble going to any level to beat the crap out of us, why shouldn't we be able to descend to their level in order to win?

  • This truly is a gangster government. Call it what it is, we've been called worse. Michelle Bachmann at least tells it like it is

  • Why can't we "drill baby drill"? They want high gas prices, this truly is like the 2nd Carter term isn't it? And he's not welcome back.

  • Trump For President? Does he have too many skeletons to run and win?

  • Fear of an Obama juggernaut - where is the opposition?

  • Let's stop calling them social issues

  • 2008 Was Nothing: Mainstream Media To Go All Out For Obama In 2012

  • No One Wants Obama At Their Commencement

How Do Rich Liberals Keep Their Heads From Exploding?

[caption id="attachment_3566" align="alignright" width="150" caption="How Do Rich Liberals Keep Their Heads From Exploding?"]How Do Rich Liberals Keep Their Heads From Exploding?[/caption]

How do rich liberals keep their heads from exploding? I mean, seriously, I have no idea. When a rich liberal denounces the rich, then gets into their stretch limo and drives away, how can they reconcile these two notions? I mean, when a true conservative or libertarian makes a statement, that statement is usually in line with their morality. Liberals have this uncanny ability to be completely hypocritical, and not only do they seem to have no trouble doing it, they are also never called on it. It’s like everyone EXPECTS a liberal to say one thing and do another, to break their word, and be morally relativistic, whereas the rest of us are held to a higher standard. Who would you rather have leading this nation: someone to says one thing and does another, or someone who’s deeds are in line with their words? If you ask me, that’s the least we can get from our leaders, no matter which side that they are on.

Michael Moore Takes On Titular Head Of Union Protests

[caption id="attachment_3504" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Michael Moore Takes On Titular Head Of Union Protests"]Michael Moore Takes On Titular Head Of Union Protests[/caption]

Michael Moore takes on titular head of union protests. Have you seen the picture of Michael Moore, the large propagandist, standing on some step near a government building lending his support to the Wisconsin strikers? Seeing that picture reminded me of El Baradei, the Egyptian who ran back to Egypt and proclaim himself leader of the opposition simply to get into power. John Bolton called him a glory hound on Freedom Watch, and seeing Michael Moore up there made me think the exact same. I don’t see how people can possible see this rich guy standing up there and expecting to be believed as a fighter for the poor, downtrodden and the unions. I mean, the guy is rich, how can he be one of them? Liberals have no issue with this dichotomy, their rich can stand up there without compunction and declare death to the rich. Can’t understand how they do that.

Billions Of Our Money Wasted On The Volt: An Utter Failure

[caption id="attachment_3563" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Billions Wasted On The Volt"]Billions Wasted On The Volt[/caption]

Billions of our money wasted on the Chevy Volt: An utter failure. By all accounts, the new hybrid electric, or electric with gas assist care – or whatever they are calling it, has been an utter and dismal failure. Instead of selling the thousands that they expected to, once it was launched, they’ve barely sold a few hundred. It’s been a complete failure so far. As per most government programs. While GM is supposedly a private company, the Chevy Volt is a direct result of billions of dollars dropped into GM by the federal government, keeping them afloat, on the condition that it build these kinds of cars. Cars that no one wants to buy, apparently. So not only is the car a failure, we are out of pocket may billions of taxpayer dollars. Next up, a subsidy, funded by our tax dollars, to try and sell these lemons. Government is simply one fail after another.

No Star Trek Future From Obama

[caption id="attachment_3559" align="alignright" width="150" caption="No Star Trek Future From Obama"]No Star Trek Future From Obama[/caption]

No Star Trek future from Obama: Over the weekend, I came across an old film of a Star Trek convention in New York City in 1973 – boy did all those actors look young. I myself remember attending a Star Trek convention in Toronto in 1976. Then, as now, people dressed up in costumes, acted out their fantasies of being members of alien races, and looked to a brighter future of collaboration, and color and race blindness – it didn’t matter if you were black, white, Asian or Vulcan, everyone in the Star Trek future worked together. (And even, if Kirk has anything to do with it, slept togetherWinking smile )It was envisioned by Gene Roddenberry to be a post racial time. If you look at the process of race relations since the late 60s, you can see great progress towards that kind of color blind society. One would think that the ascension of a multiracial leader like Barack Hussein Obama, and his initial “post racial” stance prior to his election would take us even further towards that goal of equal opportunity. Alas, it was not to be, since with his actions, Obama has proven himself to turn back the clock on race relations, instead of accelerating it towards that diverse future.

Are We Being Driven To Economic Oppression?

[caption id="attachment_3557" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Are We Being Driven To Economic Oppression?"]Are We Being Driven To Economic Oppression?[/caption]

Are we being driven to economic oppression: the short answer is yes. In most socialist states, there exists a soft from of oppression which is very difficult to fight against. In these states, and Canada is one example of one, the government increases taxes and fees to very high levels purposely in order to increase the economic burden on its citizens. These citizens, in turn, need to increase their efforts to either make more money, but getting second jobs, or reducing expenses, saving money and foregoing purchases. This in turn creates a survival mentality, where the citizens work so hard in order to simply stay put financially, that they no longer have the will or energy for political action. Additionally, if this goes on for long enough, it has a hardening effect on the culture of the country: formerly generous and optimistic nations become miserly and pessimistic. I’ve experienced that myself in Canada. As more and more economic hardship is laid on the back of the American taxpayer, there is a real danger that this can happen here as well.

Gas Prices Skyrocketing Is Part Of The Plan

[caption id="attachment_3344" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Gas Prices Skyrocketing Is Part Of The Plan"]Gas Prices Skyrocketing Is Part Of The Plan[/caption]

Gas prices skyrocketing is part of the plan: Have you filled up your tank lately? If the gas prices have kept in line with the recent changes I’ve seen, and most of the rest of us have seen in America, they’ve probably jumped nearly a dollar in the last few weeks. While the administration continues to lay the blame for the increase in prices at the feet of the big bad oil companies (who are simply trying to stay in business) and the unrest in the Middle East, specifically Libya, any actions that they could have taken to ease the burden on Americans who need to use their cars to work or get to work have been dismissed. Why? Well, because high gas prices are exactly what the government wants, for a number of reasons: a) to meet their environmental goals, which strangely have not changed even though global warming has been proven false, and b) in order to burden Americans so that they cannot afford the time to take political action. I’ll elaborate in my post Are We Being Driven To Economic Oppression?

918 - Star Trek Future - Michael Moore Heads Protest - Coattail Riders

[caption id="attachment_3547" align="alignright" width="150" caption="918 - Star Trek Future - Michael Moore Heads Protest - Coattail Riders"]918 - Star Trek Future - Michael Moore Heads Protest - Coattail Riders[/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • Do we want a Star Trek future? Can we even have a Star Trek future? With Obama in office, the dream of a color blind future is unfortunately not any closer.

  • There are always coattail riders who work really hard to get out of working really hard. One wonders how far they could go if they actually worked hard.

  • Is this Michael Moore moment: as the Prince Of Thugs. I wonder how rich people like him can stand up there and actually say that rich people should give up all of their wealth as a national resource. How can these liberals live with these conflicting ideas in their heads?

  • The MSM is pushing the: "debts not that big a deal" idea no doubt fueled by the Obama administration. It IS a huge deal, and we know it and want to do something about it.

Fighting Tooth And Nail For Government Waste

[caption id="attachment_3525" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Fighting Tooth And Nail For Government Waste"]Fighting Tooth And Nail For Government Waste[/caption]

Fighting Tooth And Nail For Government Waste: The GAO report has come out and once again, its more insane that ever before. The amount of waste and overlapping government programs in mind bending. There is one place where no less than 80 programs and departments do the exact same thing. And that is just one example. At the same time, the Democrats are fighting like crazy to keep all of the current spending and add even more to it, when the reality is that if we could just eliminate a fraction of the waste and duplication as outlined in the report, we'd be much better off. No, the Democrats prefer to fight on ideological lines, rather fight for every last current penny, even the ridiculously wasteful ones. I mean, do you really need any further proof that all they care about is driving their ideology, and nothing about making things better? They'd rather see us go down in flames and adopt their failed ideology of the past, than survive.

Obama: The First Heckler

[caption id="attachment_3523" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Obama: The First Heckler"]Obama: The First Heckler[/caption]

Obama: The First Heckler: you know it came to me yesterday morning when I was doing my show, that in reality, instead of being America's First Cheerleader, which is what you'd expect a President to be (for example, someone like Ronald Reagan), someone who helps us feel good about America, supports us and America and her ideals, he is like an anti-cheerleader. So what is an anti-cheerleader? Someone who instead of cheering you on, does the exact opposite and shouts you down. He's not the President, he's not the King, he's the First Heckler. Whenever we try to improve things, he's the spoiler. He gets in there and messes around, ruining things and telling us we are the stupid and ignorant ones. We are on stage, trying to get through our jobs, trying to do a good job, and he's up there telling us how stupid and ignorant we are. That's what he is: our first heckling President. Don't you just love it when the heckler gets ejected from the theater? Isn't there a huge round of applause when that guy is finally shown the door? Personally, I can't wait.

Time For A Zero Tolerance Policy On Spending

[caption id="attachment_3055" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Time For A Zero Tolerance Policy On Spending"]Time For A Zero Tolerance Policy On Spending[/caption]

Time For A Zero Tolerance Policy On Spending: in this budget fight, the left is not giving up an inch. No matter what egregious spending is going on, even the smallest attempt to cut spending or reverse policy is being met with a ridiculously strong backlash. It doesn't even seem to matter what the issue or program is that's being cut: it looks like Obama and his minions are refusing on every ground. They are not giving up any ground at all. Unfortunately, that is not an option for America. The only way that we can survive is if we cut and cut deeply. We need to stop messing around, grow up, be strong and have a full on ZERO tolerance policy for spending. Things have gotten so bad that we may never dig ourselves out of this hole. The only way America will survive is if we take the hardest line possible, and then push back even further. Everything needs to be on the table. The question is: does our new crop of lawmakers have the guts to keep its promises?

Michael Moore Eats The Rich

[caption id="attachment_3504" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Michael Moore Eats The Rich"]Michael Moore Eats The Rich[/caption]

Michael Moore Eats The Rich: this is pretty funny. Michael Moore comes out and makes a statement that "rich peoples wealth is a national resource" I guess that means he should be giving up all of HIS wealth to the state. But I digress. It's amazing to me how even today these idiot liberal dumb-asses think that wealth is something that was stolen from the poor and the rest of us. It's like their perception of the rich hasn't changed since the time of Robin Hood! The wealthy of today are just the because they envisioned, invented and created a product or service that others were willing to pay for. They WILLINGLY decided to give them their money, in exchange for that product of service. The rich of today are not rich from theft, but rich from commerce. The rich of today who are rich from theft, well that only exists in government and criminals, who you could argue are one and the same. but I digress, again. The rich of today EARNED their wealth, they deserve every penny. Their wealth is not a national resource to be mined. It is theirs and theirs alone.

The Wisconsin Layoffs

[caption id="attachment_3519" align="alignright" width="150" caption="The Wisconsin Layoffs"]The Wisconsin Layoffs[/caption]

The Wisconsin layoffs of teachers and other education workers who have be protesting for the last week or so should have come down yesterday. Since the Democrat representatives who should have been there to pass the spending cuts bill had fled to another state, and were camping out in order to not allow a vote, Governor Walker really had no choice but to begin laying off staff in order to cover the shortfall. He really had no choice. but if you ask me, he has already been much too tolerant of the protests and violence, both verbal and physical abuse which people have been subjected to over the course of these protests. And now, their time has run out, and the result of the Democrats fleeing the state, the results were far worse for the staff effected. In the end, its the teachers who will suffer, not the lawmakers. And isn't that typical?

Obama Makes White People Smile

[caption id="attachment_3473" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Playing The Race Card Never Gets Old For Obama"]Playing The Race Card Never Gets Old For Obama[/caption]

There was a show on ABC, now sadly cancelled, called “Better Off Ted”. It was about office life at a company called “Veridian Dynamics” (a bit like “The Office”), which conceivably made everything under the sun, from child’s toys to military gear. In between the segments of the episode, fake commercials for Veridian Dynamics were aired. On a show whose theme was workplace racism, there was a joke commercial whose tagline was “Diversity: It’s a Word That Makes White People Smile” – it then went into all of this politically correct imagery of all different races working and playing together in harmony, a perfect portrayal of a color-blind world.

Obama has a similar effect: when people look at him, they can feel proud that they elected the first multiracial African-American president. That pride continues even to today, when people polled say that they like him, but dislike his policies. Unfortunately, that pride has come at a price: if we just took a closer look at his ideology, instead of thinking about his race - then maybe we would have made a different choice. However, if you think back, we really didn't have one: its was either the soft socialism of McCain, or the harder socialism of Obama.

917 - WI Layoffs Today - America Not In Decline - Michael Moore Eats The Rich

[caption id="attachment_3504" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Michael Moore Eats The Rich"]Michael Moore Eats The Rich[/caption]

On Today's Show:

  • With luck, Governor Walker, Wisconsin Governor, will lay off a number of public employees today because the cowardly Democrats wont come back to Madison to vote on a bill. Been of to long already if you ask me - should have been done earlier. Remember, Governor Walker's fight is our fight

  • America, despite all of the mainstream media and Obama administrations ministrations, in not in decline, it is only them who wish it so and are now trying to make it come to pass. Lets not let them

  • Michael Moore comes out and says that rich peoples wealth is a national resource. Does that mean he should give all of of his wealth? No, he's talking about other rich people, I bet.

  • We are too tolerant of these liberals: they push back on even the smallest cuts. We need to be zero tolerance.

Obama Plays The Race Card, Says Tea Party Racist

[caption id="attachment_3473" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Playing The Race Card Never Gets Old For Obama"]Playing The Race Card Never Gets Old For Obama[/caption]

You know, playing the race card now seems to never get old for Obama. It’s funny, because for for someone who, way back in 2004, said these immortal words:
There is not a liberal America and a conservative America -- there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America -- there’s the United States of America.

it sure sounds like today, in his words and deeds, that there is a white America and a black America, a liberal America and a conservative America. I guess those were just pretty words, designed to fool the masses into thinking that this guy was some kind of post racial, post partisan candidate. Well, I guess it worked. And today, whether its telling Eric Holder to not prosecute Black Panther members who intimidated white voters at the polls, or talking about how the Tea Party has a “racial element” to it, playing the race card is becoming old hat for this guy. It’s too bad. As a multiracial candidate, he really had the right background to attempt to transcend race and truly put this behind us. But like all of the failed policies of other countries past which he is continuing to attempt to impose upon us, he really can’t help himself. In reality, Barack Hussein Obama has nothing but contempt for his white side, even though they bore the brunt of raising him.