Palin-Paul 2012?

Note this key paragraph in this post from PO times (thats pre-Obama to you believers). I think this there is a good possibility that this is true:

In short, what if Palin really is a moderate libertarian in neo-conservative lipstick? That is completely at odds with what we’ve discussed previously, but given the infighting, is it not a possibility? What if overtures are made now, Palin runs in 2012 and chooses Ron Paul as her running mate? Sure it is crazy and unlikely, but it’s only 2008. A lot can happen in the next four years.

Well, it's two years later, Obama has turned out to be a dud. Is now the time for a libertarian renewal through a more free market, Tea Party infused Palin, and either Ron or Rand Paul as her running mate? Tough to beat, I'd think, given the competition.

via Ron Paul | The Great Libertarian Opportunity? Palin-Paul 2012? | Gary Johnson :: Liberty Maven.